Well I was riding today and heard this strange sound from my engine, like metal to metal squealing, so I pulled the clutch and gave it some throttle, noise went away? So I'm like "what the fuck", keep going, then noise comes back, and engine stops.
Hit the start button, and "click". Ok, probally not good. Try again, and it turns like meby half a revolution, and stops. So I called my brother to get my truck and shit and come get me. So we loaded the damn thing on the truck and took it home.
Once we arrived and unloaded it I again tried to start it. Low and behold it fucking started. I'm like so what the fuck is going on, thought it was locked up???? Well I decide to go on a test ride in my neighborhood, get to the back of the neighborhood and it squeals, and stops. Restart and it idles like a pile of shit.
Ok, time to push my 550+ pound pile of shit back the 1.2 miles to the house. Well needless to say when I arrive I was pretty damn tired. And I was tired of the bike. So I sat down and had some water and a smoke. A little later I started it again, but was sure as hell not gonna push it that far so I just rode it up and down my court. Now it's doing fine and giving me no problems, I also adjusted the shit out of idle speed knob.
So just as I'm about to put back in the garage and start painting the farings I wanted to see if it still has some power, So I nailed it in first, and was very very dissappointed in the performance I recieved.
All in all I'm pretty sure it's toast. But I painted the fairings anyway and am going see what tommorow brings. My uncle is gonna come over and take a lood at it, meby it's just something simple, but I'm seriously dobuting it.
Anyone know where I can get a used bike engine from????