Auctually 10xthecockloving, I've been in an area where I had to deal with these ass holes every day. They are the ignorant ones. They come over here and think that we as americans own them something. It's bullshit. I don't like those people ( as a whole ) And simply wish they would leave. Yes, there are some that are cool, I have met a few, but the old saying is true.... A few bad apples ruin the whole crop.
And I honestly resent you calling me a racist. Hell, you don't even know me. When I first acquired that job, I really tried hard to be fair and nice to everyone. Yet in the end, I just got tired of the headaches. So really, YOU are the ignorant one. When you get a real job, in the real world, and see how things really are, not just what you read on the intraweb, or see in the news, then you can make an educated statement about me and my opinions.
On a side note, Jon, please explain why you would like to ban me??? I have not broken, nor come close to breaking any rules. 10xthecockloving has come much closer to that line than I.
Also, I would not have said anything to cab driver about his nationality, except that he insulted mine directly and first.