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Everything posted by DOZZER

  1. Full tank of 93 pump gas = $30 Nitrous bpttle filling = $50 Driving to the track.... getting kicked out of National Trails for going to fast with a certified caged car then driving it back home = Priceless
  2. We do. Send me a pm on what you are looking to have done then we can go from there. Thanks Bill
  3. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c133/armandfishman/balls8ax.jpg..
  4. Bruce Campbell would play me http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h211/Andaleia/People/BruceCampbell.jpg
  5. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k285/ccochran76/Thread-Gay-Disturbing-copy.jpg..
  6. Her name is Mindy. She's cool and hangs out at the garage when I'm working late.
  7. http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u79/ethanjordan23/thNoCrack.jpg
  8. Thanks Mark. Need anything else give me a call.
  9. To many cops out for me to race last night.
  10. Sell it.... Buy a Mustang..... Then you can beat Kevin's Iroc.
  11. You guys didn't miss a thing it pretty muched sucked.
  12. DOZZER

    VTEC99 is a bitch

  13. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a279/darth-enigmus/thread-fail-stamp.gif..
  14. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r295/darkeyes76/cameltoe2.jpg...
  15. No she is not one here. The car was just painted by 360Iroc at our shop.
  16. http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w30/bk3k_spam/animal%20pics/thecatgetsit.jpg Kidding. Welcome to the board
  17. A line is forming outside of the station as we speak.
  18. Just seen it on the news 10 mintues ago. Your famous now your on t.v. lol
  19. It will not work in a V6. The snout length is different.
  20. DOZZER


  21. DOZZER

    Insincere apology

    My bad. I didn't know how old you are.
  22. DOZZER

    Insincere apology

    This is getting funny as all hell. I'm starting to like this kid....
  23. DOZZER

    Forced Introduction

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