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Everything posted by DOZZER

  1. http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w128/random_blue_kitty/killthemonkey.gif BANHAMMER!!!!!
  2. It's a small world isn't it
  3. Hey stranger welcome to the board
  4. Just try to keep your penis out of this one j/k
  5. I'll run you. I'll be at Trails next fri.
  6. The install is pretty easy. Pro charger makes good quality kits.
  7. I have a few to choose from.
  8. +1 Herb does damm good work. He did the trans in both my Mustang and my Powerstroke. Give him a call 740-967-2218.
  9. Yes I am leaving NTB and working in my shop full time. I still can get you good deals on mounting tires and now on just about anything else.
  10. If they have no I.D. and are illegal how do they identify the body
  11. How much power does he want to make and how much does he drive the car. Let me know and I'll pm you with an estimate. -Bill
  12. Did his balls hit your chin for you to get out of the ticket.
  13. How much does it pay. How busy are you guys?
  14. Went to work.. went to my shop... waiting for my girl to get done with her soft ball game... then dinner.
  15. DOZZER

    Mt. Vernon 6.0

    I could take a trip back home
  16. Taco Bell anyone? Just fucking with you Ben. Give me a call some time.
  17. +1 If you need help shooting I got a new toy i want to try out
  18. They had a few scouts out down town.
  19. Rebuild your trac lock. It will work fine just get a little tight on your shims.
  20. Sorry Howard....It's because no one cares
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