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Everything posted by DOZZER

  1. http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i60/masonb115/mullet.jpg Because... Camero.
  2. http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu2/FenrirMX/Cool%20Story%20Bro/cool_story.jpg
  3. http://i384.photobucket.com/albums/oo290/rogerdiaz/Forums/ballsacking5xn.jpg

    Audi Q7 TDI

    I am very gun shy on any Chrysler product.

    Audi Q7 TDI

    Yes I have. Keep in mind I work on 6.0 and 6.4 Powerstrokes in my shop regularly. They aren't more of a bastard than those. I have worked on quite a few TDI cars for people as well.

    Audi Q7 TDI

    I drove it and loved it. Kinda debating on waiting for the Q5 TDI quattro that they are getting in July. I won't let her get a Ford, Chevy, or Dodge SUV. The quality isn't there.
  7. Looking at getting the wife a SUV. I found a Q7 TDI at a decent price. Anyone know of any issues with them?
  8. 9.58 @ 140 with a shit fuel pump. It pains me how much a Weldon costs.
  9. I will not be participating in this event.
  10. Welcome. Would love to see some pics.
  11. Nice. These little cars are a blast. You bringing it out this Saturday?
  12. http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd192/req94gt/exterface_unicorn_03.jpg
  13. This fool needs to come to the track day this Saturday. I know a few would gladly take his bet.
  14. A few others and myself disagree with that statement. Even though I'm a domestic guy it was a good show. Lots of cool cars. Got to catch up with some good friends I haven't seen in a while.
  15. Possibly have two more. Should have confirmation tomorrow. Whats the cost for last minute people that show up the day of?
  16. http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb456/sonofreiko/lulz/1a6.gif
  17. Weather permitting I'll bring the Stang out to dial in the new carb. I believe Mr Howie is bringing his Evo out as well.
  18. Correctly if I'm wrong but I was told that they will be running test and tune for all makes and models?
  19. Nice.. It will defiantly put on a show at night.
  20. If it doesn't rain I may blow the dust out of the Blazer's pipes for this.
  21. Highly recommend. He built one for a juiced up Powerstroke I had and one in my Mustang. They took a lot of abuse and never failed.
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