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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. If you are going to get a pain in the ass vehicle make sure you get the supercharged one so you can at least have fun between service intervals
  2. Huh, maybe it could be a sign that the army corp of engineers is working on a dam.
  3. I'm going to take most of the summer off and relax a bit. So I hope to be out on the bikes more

  4. Nick are you going to be around much this summer?

  5. I would suggest for anyone who wants to beat up MAGZ to set up a LLC in New Mexico as a holding company for your assets. Most lawyers who work on contingency will do an asset search of the Defendant to see if they have anything worth taking.
  6. I am not a special ed teacher but I deal with retards all day, actually I am dealing with one as I type this. So what is your point?
  7. Shitty American cars, speed limit 50 Shitty Japanese cars 75 Superior German cars 200 There is your tiered system
  8. shittygsxr

    Break in?

    Also from 10tv news "the value of the firearms and ammunition was $10,000 before the Connecticut shooting, now valued at $18 bajillion." Hmmm...
  9. this post has more ghey than most of magz posts! Get some style bro
  10. I may or may not have brought anything back from my trips to south america
  11. West Bloomfield and Birmingham are surprisingly affordable now a days
  12. You guys are a bunch of pussies. If the broad is holding you back from what you want to do get rid of her ass. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose but always do what you believe is best for you.
  13. Novi/Plymouth/Farmington area is nice. I liked living there better than here
  14. you should buy a cayenne turbo. Hey I have one for sale.
  15. Did you watch the same video? They got pissed about the video because their behavior was inappropriate. Their "break your fucking neck" comment is not how these so called professionals are supposed to act.
  16. I wish I got paid to sit around and fuck with people. Maybe they should spend more time protecting and serving. No victim, no crime
  17. So you have known him for a looooooooonnnnnnngggggg time then
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