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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I could just ride them all the way, or ship them to the in laws house. edit The brother in law says that the highway to anchorage is pretty bad in some spots so I would ride them all the way
  2. I sure hope so, if not I am in trouble.
  3. Im not sure I would have to ask the brother-in-law since he is in fairbanks
  4. To the first point: Somebody has to fix the toilets To the second Point: maybe, maybe not. Either way works for me
  5. She had a couple of offers but I am kind of a big deal within the OSUMC
  6. my "tentative" last day of work is June 28th BUUUUUUUUTTTTTT fuck them. I have a place to stay in fairbanks too
  7. Know somebody? I do and he is the best. I am reasonable cheap too
  8. I will be retiring the beginning of july what kind of hours are we talking?
  9. We can get the knobby tires for the ride and throw some plastidip on the fairings to protect them and head out the end of june
  10. I might put some continental tkc80 tires on the r1 and dual sport it
  11. i need to start selling shit unless i can find a dual sport tire that fits a sportbike
  12. Ill probably pick up something designed for this type of trip. There are long stretches of gravel roads. The condition of the asphalt isn't that great either.
  13. I totally blame the dude in front of you.
  14. With my "retirement" a mere 74 days away I think a trip to alaska is in order. Doing this alone would work however a buddy or two would make things a bit safer/more fun. Lets put on some big boy pants and do this! and my final argument for doing this now, Cmon'
  15. Adjusting preload might be the little bit you need
  16. She is doing her last clinical rotation at OSUMC and will be working there after she finishes her licensing
  17. My wife can put you under so that they can be removed without you crying like a bitch, that is if you have an anesthesia machine laying around
  18. I fill 5 gallon buckets with oil and leave them in random places at work
  19. Are they doing a good job enforcing the current laws? If not, then additional laws will do very little.
  20. They were probably out solving murders, stopping bank robberies, and busting drug rings.
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