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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. shittygsxr


    I'll go too. We can do the good cop, bad cop.
  2. the M&M r1 guy got a new bike !!
  3. lets plan a safari to Mr Happy Burger in Logansport Indiana and see if we can spot the elusive fat lady on a rascal.
  4. Tell her she would have had a heart attack too if she saw your penis
  5. Wow those harley guys suck. On behalf of all white people I apologize for their existence, nor do we condone their actions
  6. dont worry about it, and if someone fucks with you tell them that if cops can go 147 on their bikes then you can ride at night.
  7. +1 tell her family to sell everything they love to pay for the wedding
  8. another year older and another year gayer
  9. whatever you do just make sure the rug matches the curtains, or just go with hardwood floors
  10. Ha I am back, and I might make it there tonight
  11. Just because it is legal in several states in the US and most of the rest of the world doesn't make it right
  12. I don't wear bibs, but jeans and t shirts usually sport a decent ride.
  13. My work doesn't have a dress code but they do give you a uniform if you want to wear it. Every time I go out to lunch and I see a guy wearing a tie and dress shirt driving a shitty corola, I think to myself, if I have to wear a tie to work they better pay me enough to drive a much nicer car
  14. The goal of healthcare is to make sure we live as long as possible so that we have more years to pay taxes to the government. So it is in the best interest for the government to make sure you get the basic healthcare needed to survive. It is that point where you completely become a statistic, and a bean counter is determining if the proceeds from you tax payments offset the medical costs to get you better.
  15. We need to get some missing persons signs made up for some of the old members and post them around town
  16. shittygsxr


    This is your record breaking thread.
  17. I tried to positive rep but it says I have to "spread it around" or some gay shit like that. Instead of rep I guess I could just buy you a beer, so next time I see you I will order the first round of shardenheimers
  18. Did you just quote yourself and then tell yourself off? My head hurts I am going home
  19. shittygsxr


    orgy? who invited you guys?
  20. For self defense try Mexican Judo Ju don't know I got pepper spray I think ju jitsu would be good for staying in shape.
  21. shittygsxr


    Welcome OSUMJ maybe you could have the longest intro thread ever
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