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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. :lol::lol::lol: Everyone here is going to hell

    I on the other hand have been blessed by the late John Paul II, yep true story. Just in case the catholic religion is not right, I also took the liberty of being blessed at some of the oldest buddhist temples in the world, including the sites of the golden and emerald buddha man there was a lot of steps, but hey I wont be burning in hell with the rest of you

  2. I'll give you some lead time on a big ride...so you can meet the peeps. All good dudes up there. We have a lot of fun.

    They have a track day this Saturday (tomorrow) but I have other plans. They do a shit load of rides during the year. I'll keep you posted. We can ride up, or throw em in the trailer and do it that way.

    Yeah I'll ride up that way and throw the bike in the trailor. I used to work in dearborn and live in ann arbor I bet I will run into a few old coworkers that ride.

  3. Maybe we can organize an ohioriders fight night and let people "settle their differences" or fight for the hell of it and raise some money. Shit I would even give that money to charity. Now to find a venue....

  4. I have had more than my fair share of tickets, I swear to god if I farted in a no farting zone I would get pulled over, searched and cited. However, my insurance company never checked my record and they kept lowering my insurance.

    As you get older the number of breaks you get increases, I am not old by any means but not 20 anymore either

  5. No it wont be "illegal" I have a couple of friends that teach martial arts and they have a ring or cage.. Make a day of it, meet some people do some riding, watch a fight, and then have some beers

  6. All you gotta do is name the time and place. No police involved. You wanna go to a gym? Sure. Pick one. 4 oz gloves...MMA rules. name the place. What's that? Yeah...that's what i thought. Nothing.

    You paid thousands of dollars in attorneys fees for hitting people?!?! LOL!! Who is the dumb one here?? LOL OMG You didn't see a pattern developing?

    And because someone has a payment on a bike, they are a hood rat? And you deduced my skill level be me posting about calipers? WOW. That's good.

    Straight to the ignore list for you.

    Inya I definately dont would not want to fight ya. If patch wants to do this in columbus I can help you get a neutral place to keep everything cool shoot me a Pm

  7. You defiantly did the wrong thing, theyre just a couple of of kids, no point in chewing them out, or beating them up.

    you should have pulled your helmet down a bit, and spit a nice loogie on them:wink:

    +1 you should have reached deep down for some good lung butter or given them a nice snot rocket;)

  8. lizard you going to be in columbus any time soon? If the xaus fits, which it should, I would more than likely want it. I noticed you have it priced the lowest any reason why? is it stinky? I think my old lady would might wear a med too so maybe we could take two. I will let you know we will go try some on at the pony

  9. I always thought they should sell raffle ticket to see who gets to "throw the switch" and give the money to the victims family of (insert good cause here) oh well I put them to work making roads or some shit, we might as well get our moneys worth out of them

  10. I've been to a doctor already and got X-rays taken. I will provide a final outcome when the settlement is made. Can't say too much about it right now. Ultimately, I think things will work out just right in the end.

    Guess you have never been through this process before ;) I got paid for my bike promptly, but not enough, and the rest of the money took almost two years....

  11. you need to get yourself to the doctor. Their insurance company is going to screw you on the value of the bike so might as well get something back. I have been there and done that, once by an insured driver and once an uninsured.

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