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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. no problem!!! but that seems to be the only problem with that statement you had, so you MUST AGREE!!!! But, honeslty, i call the US the land of the FAT/STUPID and free. Is that racists against the US? I would say that was PREJUDICE not racism. If it was racism I would dislike every muslim in this country, which I dont. I made the STEREOTYPE that all middle eastern ppl where the towel on the head.

    .....and lets face it. NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE in this world, you ARE prejudice. Even you Shitty. Look up the meaning in websters and you will see what i mean. For instance, Im prejudging you as a ? hmmmmmmm....as you are doing the same about me right now.

    I agree with alot that you said. I bet you would exercise your right to punch someone in the face when they come over here from "insert random country" and call you fat and stupid. I would then exercise my right to congradulate you

  2. dude I dont care who you like or dislike. I dont care what you say in your home or too your friends. Everyone here has freedom of speech but they also forget that others have the freedom to get offended.

    420 I wasnt trying to be a dick to you. I call flounder gay all of the time and well..... ok bad example, but anyways I dont think you should get worked up about it.

  3. its neat stuff, and apple is one of thest marketing companies out there. (right next to coke and budweiser) i think thats about all there is to say about it.

    they are great at advertising but they do make an intuitive product. I have had phones and gadgets that I owned and could even use half of the features, but anyone can pick up an ipod or iphone and within a couple of minutes have the whole thing figured out

  4. Who really cares? Just left wing liberals. That's what I call towel heads.:) MANY people could give a fuck less about any of them. Guilty by association. ;) I can't stand seeing anybody with a towel on their head. I instantly dislike them. I don't like anything the middle east civilization stands for.:beating::cool:

    I guess I cant argue with that, you must have one hell of education.

  5. Layed mine down to avoid hitting a 14 rider on 71 South at 80MPH. Broke my ankle, Destroyed my wrist (4 surgeries and a titanium plate) and destroyed most of the ligaments in my left Knee. (complete Tear of ACL, MCL, and Partial of my PCL and tore the meniscus as well). I was in a wheel chair for 3 weeks. With rehab and surgery I am as good as I may get. But I'm lucky to be typing on a keyboard now. I didn't slide on the pavement I bounced and tumbled, it was not fun. I have more rehab for my ankle coming in Feb, it may require a minor surgery to clean up the joint.

    ouch good luck with the rehab..

  6. I am not going to go into a rant but would like to share a little story. An old roommate of mine was too lazy to change his address with his bank when he moved out over a year ago. About two months ago he got notices from the bank saying he overdrafted his account, about a month later and several notices later he got two pieces of mail from the same bank on the same day. The first piece of mail said that his account was being sent to collections and the second was for a platinum card. I found it rather funny and wondered how much money was spent in this country on junk mail and the postage that goes with it

  7. there website says our bikes (k4/k5 750) come with a 7.3kg/mm spring and is ideal for a 160 lb rider.

    since the newer bikes have a longer swingarm they need increased spring rates to provide the same damping


    try this link it tells you the estimated spring rate you would need and then if you go bike by bike you can look at their stock spring rates and get the spring you need off of ebay cheap

  8. is there a site that lists the spring that comes with the bike from the factory? maybe you can grab a spring off a factory shock and swap them out. I looked on racetech.com and it looks like a spring from a k6 600 is a spring rate of 9.5kg/mm and an k7 1000 is 10kg/mm you would have to do the conversion but I think these are around the weight you are looking for

  9. Just glad to see another american car that americans like!!! Go gm.

    OH yea has anyone seen the add for Knight Rider? Its a mustang this time around .....What does everyone think? I grew up watching this show.Just wondering if anyone cared?And does anyone no who going to be in the lead roll?

    how the fuck can kit be a mustang? I guess ford was the highest bidder. I loved the new transformers movie but it was a two hour GM and EBAY infomercial.

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