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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. I feel ya, It wasnt long ago that I was a student, and if I had me for a boss life would have been a bit easier. I am pretty easy going on my student workers and its cool to get paid between classes and what not

  2. If anyone on here needs a job for $8/hr they shouldn't have a motorcycle...:lol: They have their priorities WAY wrong.

    I think 99% of people have their priorities way wrong. I just thought I would offer, believe it or not we have a stack of applications from students that need jobs a couple inches thick.

  3. Hey I need an OSU student who wants a job, pay is about $8 hr. I would need person to work about 12 hours a week preferable 3 days with 4 hour shifts. My building is on west campus so parking would be easy, job would include keeping dock clean, stacking some pallets and running a floor scrubber. This job is not hard at all and if you were interested you could stop by and I would show you what you need to do.

  4. Like todd said a P/E raio of 40:1 is not that great and as far as different gas prices are concerned most gas stations are franchises so the two speedways next door to each other are owned by two different people. When I lived in michigan I knew some gas station owners and if they had a good convienence store they would sell their gas at cost or below and make huge profits on the store itself.

    The most fucked up part is exxon makes less than the gov't on each gallon and they do all the work. Again remember that exxon is a world wide company and there are several countries going through an industrial revolution which means their citizens are being able to buy cars and motorbikes so the consumption is up.

    We went to the detroit car show two weeks ago and all every manufacturer was excited about was their 100-200mpg cars, and all I could think was why the fuck dont you make them then?

  5. Why do you think that renting is "throwing money away"? I get plenty for my money. I have the freedom to move when the place I'm renting no longer suits my needs, without having to worry about selling it. I dont have to cut the grass, or shovel snow. If something breaks - like a furnace, major appliance, hot water heater - the landlord (property owner) pays to fix it. If the roof leaks, the place needs painted, or one of the toilets backs up someone comes and takes care of it. Best part is I dont pay a dime for it. To me, its worth it. Certainly not an investment, but I'd rather invest in things that pay a reasonable annual return. A house doesn't do that.

    Lets say you buy a house for $150,000, with no money down. A 15 year mortgage at 5.5% would cost you $220,600.00 over the life of the loan, assuming you didn't accelerate payments and made all of them on time. Add an additional $45,000.00 for real estate taxes over the same term, and you're up to $265,600.00. Homeowner's Insurance @ $100.00 per month would bring the total to $283,600.00. How much time per year do you spend doing regular maintenance - lawn work, painting, shoveling snow? Is two hours per week fair? What's your time worth - say $20.00 per hour? Thats another $31,200.00 per year. Wow...we're getting up there...$314,800.00. If you make any improvements during that time, or buy a new major appliance you could easily add another $1,000.00 per year. We'll leave out any tax assessments (new sidewalks, street work, etc.) and our total is $329,000.00 :eek:

    Your "investment" would have to increase in value around 6% per year just for you to break even. Inflation is about 3% so you really need to see a 9% increase to realize any profit. I havent seen homes appreciate that much in several years.

    Good luck making $$ with your "investment"

    There are a couple of additional factors in your equation that you left out such as tax deductions for the interest you pay, and the money you save from not living somewhere else.

    You definately have your point and it is very valid. If I had 200k to invest, a home would not be my first choice it would actually be my last. A home is the uneducated mans savings account, because the same man living in a cheap apartment would invest the savings in beer not the stock market. The same way people overpay there taxes every paycheck and then go all apeshit when they get a big return. There checks could have been $100 higher and set up an automatic investment account using sharebuilder.com or similar and actually earned a return rather than letting the gov't hold the money interest free.

    The only people who truely get rich off of real estate investing are the banks

  6. :thefinger::stfu:................:D

    I was just bored at work and saw her b-day was posted at the bottom of the home page. I then checked her profile and saw it was someone who joined back in March of 2007 and never posted. I also noticed she had a webpage posted so I thought, "Lets go see who this is." I then saw her picture and thought it would be amusing to post her picture wishing her a happy b-day. Plus I wandered if she'd see it and start posting. Looks like it worked.

    Bored....just boredom was all it was.

    IDK about you, but she seems really cool.:cool::cheers:

    Its cool I have more than my fair share of "downtime" at work :p

  7. Nope.. Sorry. We are letting a friend borrow it for the summer to ride with us. He sold his bike last year before we bought ours, so this way he can still go places with us.

    I wish I had friends like you!!! I dont think my friends would piss on my teeth if my gums were on fire.

  8. Going just a little deeper there are two type of banks, those that sell their loans and those who keep their loans. The bank I am with does not sell their loans and never will. They were slightly less profitable and now they are laughing their asses off. Most banks and mortgage banks give out a bunch of loans then sell them in $10million dollar blocks, so once they do that they wipe their hands clean. Alot of these companies have had to change thier practices because of "preditory lending" laws over the last couple of years. These institutions knew that there was no way in hell you could afford the loan but they did not explain details of purpose because they wanted to get you to sign and then sell the loan. They are being sued and alot have closed their doors and ran away

  9. Why is it the banks fault? It's the persons fault for spending beyond there means. If you make 35,000 you shouldn't be living in a 250k home. People need to take responsibility for there actions. THEY signed the papers, THEY knew what they were getting into. I don't feel bad for these people. they signed papers KNOWING they had a variable interest rate, then they act surprised when the interest rate goes up and they can't afford their payment anymore. WTF did you think was going to happen? interest rates were going to stay at 1% forever? :mad:

    why is it my fault that the bank gave 10 assholes a loan that they couldnt afford that drove up the prices on my block? They are bankers they know about money, and believe it or not actually spend quit a bit of time in school learning about it. Wether you want to admit it or not "people" are not educated about money or investing. They dont know the difference that one percentage point will make in their loan payment, they dont know what an ammortization schedule is. That is why we have bankers, if everyone was smarter than them, bankers would not exist.

    If you can answer this question with a well thought out response I will shut up.

    When something happens to you medically, and you had previously just seen a doctor, why is it the doctors fauly?

    When something happens to you financially, and you had perviously just seen a banker, why is it "your" own fault?

  10. So, was it a good investement for the guy that's selling his $150,000 house for $75,000?

    I thought the purpose of an investment was to make money???

    at that point just walk away from the house and let the bank have it. There will be many class action lawsuits against banks as thier irresponsible lending artificially inflated the cost of housing and regular joe's have to foot the bill again.

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