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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. The switch to natural gas is not a decision made in the best financial interests of the utility companies. The success/failure of utility companies is not in control of the companies leadership, but instead the EPA and politicians.
  2. If I see your bike this year it is getting used as a urinal
  3. Then I have an even better deal for him
  4. Well if you are out front again you probably won't see me
  5. I have a 2011 sti in my driveway with your name on it. Includes seconds set of wheels with blizzak tires and a Cobb access port tuner
  6. Baller' status bro. Get that "a" parking pass at osu
  7. Don't know if makes that much of a difference Ohio has high property taxes
  8. Some of you lazy asses need to step up and help out. I just registered to ride a 100 miles and will need your bitch asses to keep me safe. John left out a couple important details like the giant saturday night parties. I am still partially hung over from last year
  9. CBRgirl, not stealing you donations I am funded. So BUMP
  10. You are going to be a baller' just buy an entire block in upper arlington and live in one of the houses.
  11. I just registered for 100 miles.
  12. Does anyone want to buy me some gas?
  13. The headline to this should be "US govt gets the hell out of people's business"
  14. Yeah I don't see why the government ever had a say in the matter.
  15. Brain I tried sending you a message so if you didn't get it sent me your number
  16. I thought cash for clunkers was taxpayer subsidized cars for people?
  17. I have one too it shoots well. The wife had a couple stovepipes when she had a weak grip.
  18. It's really clean and stock. brand new tires too. You can get a ragged out one pretty cheap.
  19. Oh and it's the removable top coupe
  20. Anyone want to buy a corvette? Clean car new tires manual with 37k miles for the low price of $20,000
  21. Redcow you cop criteria does not apply a single cop ever.
  22. I can't believe you are even asking this. Skip the hick resort thing and go to Rome. My wife and I were married in a 500 year old monastery in cusco Peru it was awesome and few tourists compared to Europe.
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