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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. http://titanserver.servepics.com/Titan%20Server/Pictures/Kenny/oh-snap-u-got-da-aids.jpg
  2. +1 I would say the consumer reports section of this forum is where you need to start.
  3. The fastest GT on here I believe is Eddie Edwards.
  4. Buy the lightning motor off of craigslist and convert it to RWD.
  5. Had my butt in a bit of pinch tonight. All is good now. I will look do something for my customers here in the next couple weeks. I am thinking some pizza and pop. Sit around talk about the good ol days of CR
  6. That is correct. His name is Craig. Sorry for missing that post.
  7. Might have people come out to the shop for a couple of hours. I will post up if this is a go in a couple hours
  8. Should be able to get you done for $125.00
  9. Feelings are mutual Bucky. I would welcome a conversation with you about tuning or the weather anytime. Just wanted to share with you what information I had.
  10. Hello all. I am a moderator over on 3800 pro and did a little research regarding Bucky's ban. It was done on 5-19-09 by Scott Cook. That is all the information I have. My guess is something may or may not of happened on 3800 pro and that is what caused the ban. I also would like to back up Roots information in that the forum does get members removed if they do not show activity over a long period of time. I was not even aware of the ban until this thread. It is true that I still do tuning for INTENSE. The tunes that I do are MY tunes. I go through and make several changes that allow me to do the best tune possible. As far as I am concerned they are a customer of mine while tuning their car. Even though I do tuning for INTENSE I still offer tuning support and friendship to those who did not have the best experience with them. I hope this clears up some of the confusion with Mr. Dalton.
  11. I do not think it is getting any extra fuel. Lambda is not changing and fuel pump duty cycle seems to be the same for each run. As far as the motor goes I really have no idea what the inside of cylinder looks like. Motor is quiet and seems to still be running strong with almost 90k on the odometer. I just want to get fuel in the 11.5 range so it does not melt another plug. This is news to me Brady. Thanks for the info. Guess I should put a call in to Diablo and see what we need to do the update. I sure wish this was an X3. We would of had it tuned and done.
  12. Cory brought in his cobra tonight to check the A/F's after melting a plug in the number 5 cylinder. Below is a graph containing three tests. Test 1 = Tune that was in the car Test 2 = 10% Richer adjustment made to both rpm ranges under the base fuel table parameter Test 3 = 20% Richer adjustment made to both rpm ranges under the base fuel table parameter As you can the a/f is at an unsafe 12.5 at some places with all three tunes. It is my belief the tunes are not changing even with the tuner showing the changes both before and after flashing the car. I would like to point out that lambda is commanded .82 (12:1) during all three pulls which backs up the repeatable a/f results regardless of what I adjust in the tuner. I guess an alternative would be to take the car to an authorized diablosport dealer. However I believe cory would like me to do the tuning his car. Thanks in advance!!!!
  13. I have an appointment at 5pm and possibly one after that. I am looking for something to do. If anyone wants come out to the shop around 5 pm and hang out.
  14. Maybe you are trying to hard. If you ask nicely she might give it up.
  15. So what failed this time? My guess is either this tranny was wounded when you recieved it or something was wrong with the shifter. Were you still running the stock shifter? You may have taken out the tranny by bending the shift forks or you did not have the stops set up correctly for the after market shifter. Time for me to go to bed. I have an LS1 to look at in early early am.
  16. I have to agree with Rob on this one. Maybe you need to do a T56. I am shocked that if failed already considering how hard I shift mine. It feels like the car is coming apart when I shift the cobra. LOL.
  17. http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/1375533665.html I want one of these down in a fox with a really tall cowl hood.
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