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Everything posted by fattyona12

  1. spray 800 on the 258 straight 6.....i don't know if the 1 barrell carb will take that.
  2. i have 2 diff kits at the house that can spray up to 400 each.
  3. by using it do you mean getting pulled over in front of your house in barnsville
  4. I will be there, just keep checking to find out when the sign up is. Martin MI sold out in a few hours. The 7th is my b-day as well....
  5. he should be scared knowing the big shot kit is going on it.........i keeed, i keeeed or do I?
  6. you forgot the new 700 4 wheel independant suspension quad.
  7. i wanna run brian, sam, and ray: dig of course
  8. my buddy just tried to find some and had to wait over a week for someone to order them in....i think huddles in lancaster were the ones who eventualy got them.
  9. gonna pick it up saturday....plan on whoring it out....24 hours of lemons, grassroots challange maybe, then try and get on pinks......whooohooooo
  10. it doesn't have the woody sides....here is what it looks like. http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x269/pwrlifter79/Fall2007074.jpg http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x269/pwrlifter79/Fall2007072.jpg http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x269/pwrlifter79/dep%20races/Fall2007076.jpg
  11. A buddy wants rid of a car in his driveway that he got from family. He is wanting to sell it to me for cheap. Its a 1974 amc hornet wagon with a straight six. 74000 orig miles. Don't even know if its worth my time. Here's what it looks like, not actual car though. http://cascaderamblers.org/r2001/74horrw1.jpg What do you think????
  12. you'd get more races in a honda....hehehe Don't sell it though, you will regret it in the future. You have too much time and money in it. We all get bored with our cars from time to time by spring you will be dying to get back in it. Hell mine is just resting under a cover right now and i have been looking at new stangs thinking how it would be cool to turbo one and drive it on the street. Though i don't think i could ever sell my car. I am too attached.
  13. fattyona12

    this sat..

    Prolly going down to wayne to ride saturday if i am not too beat up from the city vs. county football game
  14. Should of put the sign about not pushing on the glass on the outside....never would of happened then.
  15. you pulled something apart in the harness maybe down by the computer in the kick panel.
  16. i saw the 9.04 @176 pass...that car is sick
  17. fattyona12

    TV Repair

    hit it on the side
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