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Everything posted by fireman_343

  1. cmoosego, might have to have ya come over and check out my electrical sockets... some don't work for some odd reason, and I'm stupid when it comes to electrical stuff.
  2. Welcome! I love that Yamaha WR250x! I seen one at the track at BeaveRun running supermoto there! That thing was flying around the track! You should take it to BeaveRun (about 1hr from Cleveland) and run it on the track! I race a NSR there all the time. Yeah, the weather will suck, and Cleveland gets lots of snow/cold... so like said before, find something to keep ya sane during the winter, this site helps a bit! About some riding spots... I don't think Cleveland has any good twisty roads, I might be wrong since I don't live up there. But, SE Ohio (South of Zanesville, Oh) has some really good twisty roads! There are a lot of us on this forum that ride them all summer long!
  3. Just like my user-name... I'm a firefighter, been one for 10yrs and wouldn't want any other job! On my days off, I take care of my 4yr old son and we go pimp'n around town! HAHAHA Wouldnt' have it any other way
  4. Wow, wish I had $2500... I'd check it out and go over it really well!
  5. Cool... I put the link to here on my site ( www.teamquazzymoto.com ) ... glad that people are using it!
  6. I've never had a problem with it, but I don't know how to use the computer that well, so what ever.. If it works for me, why change it
  7. I've traded 5 vehicles last year and for every one, I put the number 0 on the title. When asked about it, you just say we traded vehicles and NO money was exchanged between the two parties. Like said before, the title transfer fee is less then $20... and it has to have your name on it. One of the vehicles I traded was my wife's, so I had to get a POA from the DMV since she couldn't get the time off work to get the paper work done. It will make things easy if you have the other person there when the notary signs it... I think they HAVE to be there anyway... but you can take the titles to you bank and they will take care of it for FREE. Good luck
  8. SWEET!!! I wish I wasn't working on a racing bike and 4x4 right now!
  9. cool...you never know! The way things are these days it might still be available??
  10. Really? Never tried it.. I might just do that to see if I can! I think they are secure, I had one sitting at the fire dept I work for and none of the "guys" could get into it.
  11. Okay... After Christmas sale... $400 for 6 good working candy machines. One is still out on location. I left it there because it pulls in some good money! It is located on the east side of Columbus, and you can either leave it there or pull it and place it somewhere else, it is up to you. Please get these machines out of my basement!!! Again, $400 and they are yours.. I think I've got a few bags of candy I'll toss in for free. . Reply here, PM or email me at rdracer4@hotmail.com Thanks
  12. I've got a full set of 99-02 R6 racing bodywork for sale. I think the upper, lower and front fender are SharkSkinz, don't know who made the tail section? The tail isn't in the best shape, but it will work! Just a little sanding/paint and it will be good! The race fairing stay is off a 03 R6, but I think it will fit/work for 99-02's as well.. EDIT... new price = $200 obo for everything (fender, fairing stay, tail section, upper and lower) Needs paint on the upper. Has holes drilled for frame sliders already! Located in Columbus Ohio... PM me or Email me at rdracer4@hotmail.com if you want to check this stuff out. Thanks
  13. Yeah, when I went to the desert, I put mine in storage for 6 months and when I came back it was there nice and clean, ready for me to ride it! I'd try to keep it unless you need the money. You'll make more then that with your tax free checks over there! Either way, good luck with what you do and nice R6!
  14. He is going to do some of his magic to my NSR forks, can't wait!!! BTW, I'm glad I'm in that 150-170 class... but if I keep eatting Chipotle like I do, then I'll be fat!
  15. That is a nice R6... But, I've already got a 01 R6. Great bike !
  16. Yeah, like robhawk said, the GI Bill is for school, but my work pays for my classes, and then the GI bill money goes in my pocket! It works great! Even if my work didn't pay for it, the classes are only $550 each, so either way, you'll get some money to put into your pocket! Mandova, yes the Air National Guard is a part of the Air Force, just like the Army National Guard is part of the Army... same thing, just different branch of the service. Of course your recruiter will talk you out of going into the Air National Guard, but that is his job. I would take everything he tells ya for a grain of salt... the recruiter told me that I couldn't get a guaranteed job as a Firefighter in the Air Force... I said thanks for your time and started to walk across the street to the Army recruiters office. He stopped me and said that he might be able to work something out for me, but I'd have to wait a few months before I can leave. I didn't care, as long as I went into the military with a guaranteed job!!
  17. WOW, looks like it will be a sweet movie! Thanks for the link
  18. I've got the ringtone from the movie CRANK as well! I love it, because people think my battery is dying! HAHAHAHA
  19. Oops... you are right! I miss read my WAVE report (where you verify your attendance). It is $1321.00... but effective Aug 2009, The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 will put the full-time amount at $3k. More info on this can be found here: http://www.gibill.va.gov/pamphlets/CH33/CH33_Pamphlet.pdf Benyen Soljax is right! The AF sends there members to better places for those in normal jobs. I was deployed to Kuwait and loved it, it was a great vacation and I made around 6K on that trip (TAX FREE).
  20. Yeah, you have up to 10years after you leave the military to use your GI Bill... I got out of Active Duty Aug 2002! I'm planning on milking every bit of that 26 or 30K (what ever it is these days) till it is gone!!!
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