Yeah, like robhawk said, the GI Bill is for school, but my work pays for my classes, and then the GI bill money goes in my pocket! It works great! Even if my work didn't pay for it, the classes are only $550 each, so either way, you'll get some money to put into your pocket! Mandova, yes the Air National Guard is a part of the Air Force, just like the Army National Guard is part of the Army... same thing, just different branch of the service. Of course your recruiter will talk you out of going into the Air National Guard, but that is his job. I would take everything he tells ya for a grain of salt... the recruiter told me that I couldn't get a guaranteed job as a Firefighter in the Air Force... I said thanks for your time and started to walk across the street to the Army recruiters office. He stopped me and said that he might be able to work something out for me, but I'd have to wait a few months before I can leave. I didn't care, as long as I went into the military with a guaranteed job!!