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Everything posted by fireman_343

  1. You can get advance tickets online at www.gml2007.com for $20 and $15 if you are a student, military or retired military.
  2. Here are some pic's... I've got a crap load more and I'll post where I put all of them later!
  3. You guys better get here early!!! I left for work today (Friday) early and traffic was already getting heavy at 7:40am. I heard from a friend that was stuck in traffic on 270 at 10am! The practice day went good today... I've got to say, I've always been a fan of the F-15's (since I was stationed with them when I was Active Duty) and that F-22 put it to shame!! It is a sweet jet for sure! I think the F22 show will be worth it for anyone, if he flys it again like he did today! The Thunder Birds should go before the F-22.. because it was boring after watchin what it could do. Very cool stuff! And check out the Bomber Girls (booth is kinda close to the McD's area). They are nice to look at... and you can get a pic with them!
  4. I'll be there today (friday) and Sunday working... I work at the Fire Dept there, so if you see a Rescue truck driving around I'll be in it! Should be a great Air Show and the weather is looking good!!!
  5. wnaplay, sorry I was forced into OT at the Fire Dept on Sunday so I wasn't able to get it that day. I might be clear tomorrow after dinner... will that work you??
  6. PM me your address and if it is cool with you... maybe I can pick it up tonight?? You only have the one, or two of them boxes? Thanks man
  7. Yep... that is why I need a BIG box! HAHAHAHA
  8. Just go and get your license! It isn't that hard. How long have you had your permit??
  9. wnaplay, the upper is 24x31" and the lower is 29x30" (give or take a little). If you have a box big enough, I'll pick it up today!!!! Let me know if you've got one or two that would work! Thanks.
  10. Thanks, I'll check around tomorrow.... Anyone else??
  11. Anyone have a box big enough for a race upper and lower for a 04 R6?? I need to ship out a set of bodywork and I can't get the upper to fit in any boxes I've found, same goes for the lower. If you've got one, or know where I can get one (for CHEAP... UPS wanted $40 a box and said it would cost me $80 to ship just one of them, I've got 3 boxes to ship). I live out in Blacklick on the East side. Let me know! Thanks BCONRAD@wowway.com
  12. 2 groups...Fast riders up front, and the ones that just want to "ride" and have fun, follow up behind. That is how I've always done it and works great! Have a meeting point for both groups to meet at and hand out printed maps/routes to everyone so if someone did get lost from the group, they can find their way to the meeting point or home. I'm in for this next ride... let me know when!
  13. I've got a race that day... maybe next time? Keep it safe!
  14. Damn, that has to be the worst looking bike I've seen... and I thought the new ZX10R was FUGLY!!! I'm with JohnnyMac... this year and last years models look great. They need to stick with the undertail exhaust! I don't care for them short cans on the side... :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
  15. fireman_343

    Qs&l 9-12

    Question... what is the point of meeting at the Shell down the street from the Lube?? Why not just meet at the lube?? Just wondering... I can't make it since I'll be watching my son till my wife gets home from work, and that is late... 830p!
  16. I was slow as hell on my supersport bike 2 yrs ago! The lap times are crazy now!
  17. Well, if it is a 2 smoke, then it isn't legal even for F1... so if you come out with a cheater bike, I'm going to toss the flag on ya man! And SHIT... 148lbs!!! Damn dude, you are down to your fighting weight now huh?? I'm around 150lbs right now! Even with a cheater bike, I'd still dust your ass!!! If you can't pull in the lap times that Jordan and I are doing, you might as well pull off after one lap and take last place! I'm alll about safey on the streets man, don't get me wrong! I like to go fast just like everyone else, but I'll take the really fast stuff to the track.
  18. What new bike... give me a call and lets talk man! Plus, you've got to shave off a few pounds before you can talk buddy! HAHAHAHA
  19. Nick, I understand the safety concerns with it, but everyone I know does at least 80 MPH when I ride down in SE Ohio... not a very fast speed, or smoke'n fast one either... but I've seen first hand what even a 15-20 mph crash can do to someone! And Rocky... even if we were on equal bikes and the newest slicks out, you still wouldn't be able to pass me! I'll eat ya for breakfast, and spit ya out at lunch time for the birds! You coming out on the 16th and racing with us??
  20. I wasn't really going over that much... the speed-o is off by 10mph due to my gearing! And who cares, it wasn't like I did 140mph down I-270 in and out of traffic and wheelies 2 miles long down the highway. This was on a back country road somewhat out of the "public eye" Believe me, I'm not one to give sportbikers a bad rep due to someone doing stupid shit on the road. You can see I didn't go thru the turns that fast and the wheelie was very short... just a test to see if the camera would fall off!
  21. we'll see about you leaving me... that never happends at the track!
  22. Yeah, the dark tint is too much... I do have a clear for my track bodywork. I might get a light tint screen soon for the street?
  23. The camera I used was my crappy Nikon coolpix 4mp camera on video mode... I'm getting a "real" video camera to mount on it soon! Didn't turn out too bad for a picture camera
  24. Had to test it out before I take it to the track or down to SE Ohio.... Should be good to go!!! This was on my 01 R6!
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