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RC51 John

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Posts posted by RC51 John

  1. I'm not sure I would trust a threaded link over a force-fit one.

    I've used RK and DID, but never EK.


    EK Screw-Type Master Link

    You don’t need special tools to install your new EK Chain. This unique, patented link gives a rivet-like fit, using only an 8mm wrench and a pair of pliers. It’s available as an option on many EK Chains.


    I see that they are doing now. It appears the pins are force-fit using the threads.

  2. I'm intimidated by transmissions. All them gears and stuff.

    I did a valve check on the RC. After I got her back together and started it. There was a lot of noise from the from piston. Took the cover off and noticed i was one tooth off on the exhaust cam. Even with work lights it's not always easy to see the alignment marks. Not sure I'd go any further into the motor though.

  3. Haiti charges U.S. church members with kidnapping

    Vote and discuss: Should the missionaries face trial?

    I really hope this group gets some Haitian jail time. I know, I know they were just trying to help the children. I'm sure they were thinking those poor people would not, could not survive with out us. The god fearing moral majority need to understand they cannot do what ever they want when ever they want.

  4. LED tach's are hard as hell to read quickly. Thats ok though. I don't plan to wring this things neck anyway.

    That video makes me cringe everytime I see it. Poor bike! It doesn't deserve to be ridden by such a squid!

    In the corners you have to keep the RC near 9K and it rewards you for doing it.

    We need an RC ride this year.

    No SV1000' s allowed. :p

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