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RC51 John

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Posts posted by RC51 John

  1. Are you talking to 'me' Justin?

    No. I can pretty much assure you that is not one of my aliases on here.

    One of the comments on the 'Public Record' site was.

    JWM1980 wrote:

    I love this town

    “ When I first read the story I laughed because, well, it's just plain funny. The person(s)who writes the docket understand that they are the only reason many of us plunk down our 50 cents for a rag filled with heavily slanted local news and national AP stories we can read anywhere.

    Now, having read these comments, I'm reminded that the situation itself isn't the most humorous part of the whole thing. It's the people in this town...the overly zealous, book burners...the evangelicals...the people who wake up every day hoping and praying that when they look out their window they'll find that, through some spooky Jesus-magic, it is again 1954. These people me fill my little cynical heart with joy.

    "Oh no! EVERYONE PANIC! The (sob) local news(sob)paper...made reference to...oh dear lord I can't even say it...to...to...a "trouser kiss"...ya know...SODOMY!!!!"

    Here's to you Mr. & Mrs. Uptight Courier Reader...because your squawking and fake outrage...Findlay is once again in the world wide news.

    Check out www.metro.co.uk/weird

    Keep up the good work everyone! ”

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