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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. He would be a better landlord than the one you have now.
  2. well hopefully it won't be fleas next.
  3. You left Howard out in the backyard? That's fucked up. Good to see your bike didn't get killed. Do you feel as if mother nature is out to get you?
  4. Is this the thread that needs to be closed or infractions given from.
  5. That great news. I'm getting contract work as I can. Still hoping to land a full time job.
  6. Don't short shift the v-twin. Run that sucka up to 9k.
  7. Who thought one point and one word would cause all this ruckus.
  8. Still not as fun as 374.
  9. I rode past it to and from Hocking.
  10. Meh, not worth my time. I'll read this later. EDIT: Okay so i took the time to read it and looks like i injured someones feelings. Its funny how you can post with apparent disregard for another persons feelings, but oh don't you dare can call him any names. You can call me what you want, I really don't care. Also the boi at the end of my screen name,which i think is funny, shows you're just forum troll. I think I'll go ride my motorcycle now.
  11. That is cool, but wouldn't a wheel chair still be faster mode of transport?
  12. Yeah, I beat the first one, but still haven't tried the second.
  13. I could be wrong, but I do believe he was refering to these woman as dish washers.
  14. What sucks is the passenger usually gets the majority of the injuries.
  15. I don't really care to change peoples avatar.
  16. Ah, yes. The one who will bow to the desires of the masses and have no agenda of his own. I feel that type of person may be more dangerous than an inconsistent tyrant. Now about the thread in question. After closing I noticed that the thread was moved and you and Casper were debating the finer points of Harley enthusiasm. This was primarily due to the fact I failed to refresh the page after 20 minutes. There was no excuse for the posts in the thread and the thread went so far off topic I closed it. EDIT: Being the 3rd gunman sounds so cool
  17. I am currently testing a totalitarian platform, which apparently isn't being accepted by all in the OR population. Though, the nice thing such a platform is you can pretty much do what you want with little or no reguard to others feelings.
  18. The weather forecast is bringing me down.
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