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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. This thread was just sad.
  2. Ah, the wonders of being a moderator. :D

  3. This schedule fucking blows. I want some Pig Iron pulled pork and fried pickles too.
  4. If you get pulled over enough you won't even pick up your phone while you are driving.
  5. I shall not be attending this even as I'll be at work till 1am.
  6. Another RC to replace the one that left the OR family. That is a super awesome bike you have there.
  7. Nice looking bike. You must have gotten the deal you wanted on the V-Max.
  8. I work 4pm to 2am now and it really sucks.
  9. Jobs: new iBully CEO kicking sand in Silicon Valley's face Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/jobs_new_ibully_2MYMb1c2fUEs2ZG4wWrU1N#ixzz0mySCqqFf
  10. An antitrust app Apple may be in the eye of regulatory storm I wonder if Jobs will destroy Apple like he almost did 25 years ago? Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/an_antitrust_app_buvCWcJdjFoLD5vBSkguGO#ixzz0myPFylFX
  11. Oh no, not a bike night all the way across town. That's just way too far for me to ride. Depending on my work schedule I should be able to make it.
  12. RC51 John

    No caption

    I think you have inflated it enough.
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