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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. They are probably big bushed too.
  2. Yep, I am the one that closed the thread.
  3. Yes, I concure with that Ben and apparently Sam just had to post his $0.02.
  4. That's kinda funny because I did read the thread and the first responce to the OP wasn't good and it just got worst. I am also closing this thread.
  5. lol. there are some funny ones on that site. The Amazing Beatboxing Dog
  6. Cause God LOVES him/her some boobies. He/she is an avid follower of the NSW thread. To quote her blog page this lady "is a liberal, geeky, nerdy, scientific, perverted atheist feminist trapped in Indiana" Though look at her Anti-Porn event - emotional appeals and dangerous misinformation blog.
  7. MJ you call everyone 'kid'.
  8. If if wasn't working I'd go. Dyno and pulled pork, what's not to like.
  9. Didn't you have an avatar where you were holding a GUN?
  10. RC51 John


    Nice Picture
  11. How did I get dragged into this? Though I might close this thread for an hour or two.
  12. Make sure you have a job already lined up before you jump.
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