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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Shooting and hunting are my winter hobbies. Among other things..
  2. Looks like a nice setup.. Just take your time. I also suggest using your micrometer to mic every 3-4 rounds to make sure your dies arent moving. Its fairly common occurance with progressives until you learn to pull the handle all the way every time. My inventory has me at around 4000 small rifle primers 1200 large rifle match primers. about 800 rounds of match 308 bullets 200 rounds of 180gr roundnose 308 for loading subsonics about 1500 .223 bullets and probably around 10lbs of powder. I think Im good to go for awhile. Good luck and welcome to the madness. The part I had the most is trimming and camfering the cases. It takes forever. I actually neck sized, trimmed, and camfered about 50 rounds of 308 last night. OfcMav - If youre ever going to be in columbus, hit me up and we can go and shoot. Bring that .338 of yours and I will bring my 308 with my new toy Im picking up this week.
  3. I still need to call him about getting a spot fixed on my truck.. This is just the reminder I needed.
  4. Its just my style.. nothing personal. You'll need some thick skin on this site so be forewarned. Im from crestline originally which is also 419
  5. Put it on ebay and you should make some bank on it.
  6. Im guessing somewhere in the 419 area code by the cute screen name
  7. I created this as a theoretical design that I wanted to patent the idea for almost 10 years ago. Just goes to show that you need money to make money.
  8. Nice thing is that 1000kc is still less then $60 US
  9. Why do you keep saying a 30-06 sounds nice? Are you basing it on price, ballistics, ammo availability or what?
  10. Glock Model 27 in .40 But I think you already knew that.
  11. If I had Shitty's money stash, I would burn mine.
  12. Sounds like you already made up your mind before even starting this thread??
  13. Liter bike for wheelie machines is what most use. I dont believe you need a dyno though.. Just a frame with a rolling drum and some type of constant braking system which you could probably build yourself for much cheaper.
  14. Where do you hunt Coyote at? Want some company? I recommended a large caliber since he said he may move and bear hunt with it.
  15. About anything will work just fine for 300 and closer.. If you think your going to hunt big game like bear, I would suggest something in 30 cal or 7mm Mag 300WSM, 300WM, 300RUM, .308 is a great gun and plenty of ammo available for it. Dont get the Mosin, you will never find quality ammo for it. The people that said 50 are either joking or idiots. Mini 14 is not what you want. Honestly, your budget of 800 with a rifle, scope, rings, and a base is on the low side especially if you want to buy new.
  16. What do you want to be able to shoot/hunt with it? At what range do you want to be able to hit targets accurately? What is the max range you think you will use it at? What is the average range you will most likely be engaging targets/animals at? Do you or will you reload your own ammo? What is your budget for the rifle? What is your budget for the scope/rings/base? Answer these questions and get back to me.
  17. If this is who I think it is, I think I know you.. Im soo sorry you have to put up with yota... How are the sticky buns?
  18. So Im sure we've all figured out by now the title of this thread is wrong. Not Hawks.. Eagles my friend, Eagles.
  19. Good company to work for at corp
  20. Anyone that has a ClassIII item should carry a xerox copy of their tax stamps for any item that they have on them or take to a range. Other then that, the only thing they can do is ask you not to shoot at their range which they wont do and if you show an officer your tax stamp documentation, they cannot detain you other then to validate your identity and they cannot seize your Class III item. Granted I dont have a tax stamp and havent personally run into a situation like this but Ive done my fair share of reading about it. If memory serves me correctly, there is another guy on this board that has a few tax stamps so maybe he will chime in.
  21. Thats not true. they have to have a valid reason for a search and having something that requires a tax stamp does not grant them anymore authority then not having one. FYI. Im not a stamp holder yet.. Hopefully soon.
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