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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Yeah thats not true. Also, I dont have any automatic weapons.
  2. I spend allot of time up there.. Its not a happy place.
  3. Lets just say... im offically a stamp collector.
  4. Looks like I will be staying here https://www.marriott.com/hotels/hotel-photos/bombr-renaissance-mumbai-hotel-and-convention-centre/ and here http://www.starwoodhotels.com/lemeridien/property/photos/index.html?propertyID=1832#photo_section_5Link
  5. flounder

    Wtb- .308

    never... those are for my happy time.
  6. There is a vets parade on nationwide blvd right now.. They buzzed my office.
  7. flounder

    Wtb- .308

    Youre a savage...
  8. did someone say silenced??? that makes me happy for reasons undisclosed. :) :D:D
  9. I will rape a VNC box like it never existed.. Tip: use something else which is secure and encrypted.
  10. Send me the firewall and server IP.. Its OK, Im your friend!!! What type of business do you guys do?
  11. flounder

    Wtb- .308

    You do realize that 7.62x54R is still a .308 right? The case is just a bit longer.
  12. And we all know that shitty loves that place. I DO.
  13. flounder

    Wtb- .308

    If you actually want to compete, you have to figure out which class your going to compete in since there are weight and caliber restrictions. On a budget of 1500, your basically looking at a stock gun with a minimal scope unless you buy used. A 1500 budget isnt much at all in this world even for a used rifle without a scope. Figure that at a minimum you need to buy the following. rifle scope scope rings scope base You could always try and find someone with an old rem 700 for dirt cheap and buy it for the action only, then take the action to a quality gunsmith, pick what caliber you want to shoot, and have them put on an krieger,hart, lija, broughton, etc barrel, and true the action/bolt. You also have to make sure that your within your weight limits and caliber restrictions for the class you want to compete in. Honestly from what youve said, I would say go grab a Rem700 308, Savage 308, or a .260 and just go learn and you will figure it out. If you actually want to be competitive up front, I think youre going to have a tough time with a 1500 budget. Just remember a rifle that shoots .5MOA groups at 100 yards doesnt mean it will shoot .5MOA groups at 600 yards. Thats the big difference between stock and custom rigs. Ive shot them all and luckily get to shoot with the world record holder for best 5 shot group at 1000 yards. (He owns the range I shoot long range at - cool guy)
  14. haha.. the girlfriend already called dibs on the ownings.. Her exact words were. "So, you left everything to me in your Will in case something happens over there right? You do have a Will dont you? You should probably get one and put me in it." hahahahaah I just laughed.
  15. You have it backwards my friend considering they eat with their right hand.
  16. Im just wondering how many points I can rack up in 1 single post.. Me thinks a bunch. all in good fun though.
  17. flounder

    Wtb- .308

    Its a hobby that once you get into it, you will spend a ton of money doing. What is your current budget? If you just want to compete to learn and not actually be competitive, then go ahead and grab a .308 or .260 and go learn. If you want to be competitive, expect to spend thousands on parts, ammo, reloading equip, good glass, and practice your ass off every chance you get. If your ever in columbus and want to shoot, let me know. FYI, allot of the guys winning comps are shooting better than 2 inch groups at 600 yards. The other thing I would advise since youve never shot long range is to go get a nice savage 22 with accutrigger for about 350 and go shoot at 100 yards wth it to learn trigger control, hand positioning, and breathing techniques.
  18. So I found out last night that I will be headed to India at some point for work. I will be spending some time in Pune, and then some time in Mumbai. (about 350 miles south of the Pakistan border according to googlemaps) Anyone ever been or know anyone thats been there? Any suggestions besides watching my cornhole and what foods I eat? This will be interesting.
  19. flounder

    Wtb- .308

    First you need to figure out what kind of matches you are looking to do. I can tell you right now that if you want to compete in Benchrest, there are much better calibers to use. Also, there is allot of other things to do to build a rifle. So, are you looking to do Benchrest, F-class, Tactical What distances are you looking to compete in 100,200,300,600,1000,1200? Have you ever shot long range before? What are you looking to spend? Do you have reloading equipment? Etc. etc. Im probably going to be your best source of information on here when it comes to long range shooting or competition shooting. Feel free to pm me if you like. Im currently shooting out to around 1200 yards with my rig and compete in tactical competitions which are very different from Benchrest and similar to F-class.
  20. flounder

    Nut Up......

    If someone could turn this thread into an animated cartoon, they would make millions. PS.. I has a boner. That is all.
  21. I run only OEM and so do allot of racers.
  22. Can I get the cliff notes version of your post.
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