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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Tried for witchcraft and your name was satan and is now casper.. Coincidence?
  2. Ask yourself if your ready to get sued because you were nice and let your friend ride the bike and they wrecked it and killed themselves or someone else. Not worth the risk and true friends should understand that 100%.
  3. The bars, thats about it. I lived there for 5 years.
  4. FUK that.. Do not let your friends have a bike of yours to ride. You are still liable for the insurance on it as well as if they wreck it, you can be held responsible... HORRIBLE IDEA. Get the track bike and be happy your dumb ass friends cant ride it on the street.
  5. Interesting. To be honest, I think that if they are US citizens then the bank should be required to report the total assets of all US citizens to the IRS on a yearly basis. I dont see anything wrong with it as long as they are only reporting a name and a asset value. this information should be reported anyway by the account holder and if its not then it definitely is tax fraud.
  6. Shooters, Once again, there will be another long range tactical shooting match for those interested. No one from OR other then myself has shown up yet but the board grows every day thanks to Ben and all the members so I figured I would post the event details in case there are some new members interested. The match will be held on 2-21-09 (This Saturday) at 10:00 a.m. sharp! Multiple targets at each station ranging from 200 yards to 2000. You will need 60 -100 rounds. Bring food/water and change of clothes. Cost is usually $25 to participate and free for spectators. Make sure to have ear protection. All new shooters welcome and we will help you along the way. If you have never shot past 100 or 200 yards and are interested in this, I recommend you give it a shot at least once. Its an incredible feeling to hit a 12 inch disk at over a half mile. (1000 yards) My last time out there (2nd time there) I managed a 3 shot group at 1000 yards within a 6 inch circle. Some of the shooters are sporting custom builds and are engaging the 1 mile (1760 yards) target. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or Tom. MAKE SURE WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT THE RANGE YOUR BOLT IS OUT OF YOUR RIFLE! Thanks, Toms contact info is below. Tom Sarver Thunder Valley Precision "We build precision rifles and train you how to use them" 740-502-6530 www.ohio1000yd.com
  7. God Dammit yota.. the title of the vid even says "Parody" WTF... of course its fake.
  8. Looks like we had some overlapping time. I wouldnt be surprised if we had met before at UD. I still have keys to a few of the rooms in the eng building.
  9. Progressive is one of the highest and I cant go to NW since they are a client of mine.
  10. I only had one in my class that was good looking.. the others were freshman when I was a junior senior.. hahahah yeah of course Ill help you study.. Just come on over to my place. Want a beer... What years were you there?
  11. That has to be an act for her to get further publicity and to just make fun of the show.
  12. The 10mm has been around forever.. good luck finding rounds for it at a local store though. Also, I dont care if you have a bazooka, if you cant hit shit because of the recoil it doesnt do you a damn bit of good. If you want some interesting reads about penetration. Go here http://www.theboxotruth.com/
  13. I was an engineer at UD from 98-02 and there was a few good looking Eng girls that "helped study"
  14. Like I said, you wont know if it raises yet or not. This is only taking effect on policies that renew on or after March 2.
  15. It went up $70 from last year. I am now paying $435/year for full coverage. If ya buy a bike when your 21, expect the high rates. Im not really bitching moreso as letting everyone know to expect higher rates.
  16. Well the other day I got my bill for my insurance and noticed it was about $70 higher then last year so I called state farm to find out why since it wasnt listed on my bill. My agent didnt know why either so she called the underwriters for an explanation and then called me back. It turns out that State Farm revamped their entire motorcycle policy rating structure for the coming year to get more in line with the other insurance companies out there. For any policy that renews after March 2, expect to see an increase in your premium. She told me that the underwriters told her that they are expecting massive calls as some policies will double or even triple. Just an FYI, I thought you would all like to know.
  17. its mounted to your swingarm so unless you crash your chances of something hitting it are slim. If you crash, who gives a shit about its durability. Just get the one thats cheaper. At least with fiberglass its repairable easier then ABS
  18. Didnt realize it was mag.. good call. PRICK.. now check your pm's and send me my answer you bastard child.
  19. Ah... thats just a scratch.
  20. No one likes natural... people like slutty.. hahahaha just kidding kiddo.
  21. Kos... I dont know what the fuck that thing is but I want one.. gadgets for the win.
  22. You dont want to drill it out because then you would have to re-thread. Schmuck, give me a call and we can set something up and try and get it out. Maybe I could bring my easy outs over on sat and a blowtorch and we could get it out for ya. Call me. In the mean time, grab some PB blaster and get it on that bolt so that hopefully it eats some of that nasty locktite away.
  23. 4.5-5 days with the help of some "medicine" It started on a Sunday night and I finally fell asleep on that Thursday around 3pm and woke up friday at 1130 pm.. it was crazy.
  24. Kuddos to you.. Teachers dont get enough credit.
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