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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Also.. If your doing fiber glass work. STAY AWAY FROM THE RESIN JELLY. The jelly is a pain in the dick to work with..
  2. Hey ben whats with the new symbol for the OR page. Is it a badger err something.. I kinda like it.
  3. really nice... I love projects... Im trying to get my hands on an oscilloscope right now. I really dont need it but I may be able to get it for free.
  4. Like you always told me... GO WITH PINK....
  5. Thats is on the step down side of the transformer.
  6. Ah...Im ok with it.. Weiners for everyone..
  7. Pass... Centripetal force does not work like that.. they will roll around until there is enough rotation to hold them in place against the tire wall.. and that place wont always be where the tire needs balanced.
  8. Ah gotcha.. yeah oracle logs can be a big bitch.. I used to have the servers set up to page me (yeah, actual pager) back when I ran the labs at UD for various performance issues. I had the servers and the firewalls doing a round robin checks on each other just in case one actually crashed in which case I would get an page also. The shady part was that I also had cron jobs set to page me at certain times during my classes so if I was bored, I had an excuse to leave class without re-percussions. Since I worked for the engineering dept, they knew I had to go when the pager went off.
  9. The only suggestion I would give is to set it so that the log file is appended with the system date. Then for each time its run, instead of renaming to .prev just have it check for a file with the current system date and if that doesnt exist then create the file with the current system date. This would allow you to historically track utilization and graph it if you ever wanted not to mention that appending the date to the filename is always helpful.. Just a thought.
  10. I was drinking last night.. I didnt mean to come off harsh towards you.. Also. it seems that Ben likes to try and push my buttons recently which we all know doesnt take much with me. No offense to either of you. Ive been on edge a bit lately.. Its all good. :grin:
  11. Welcome to the club... LETS GET DIRTY...
  12. Well he did say that the F22 and SR71 were the only planes capable of breaking the sound barrier.. We all know that is wrong. I guess a pic is worth a 1000 words so here ya go ben.. Im sure you will have some smart ass response as usual. And why are you all assuming it has to be a stealth plane.. do you have radar capabilites at your house.. NO.. and do you have access to know what is being reported or allowed to be discussed by ATC.. once again NO.. And none of you know if some jocky got his ass chewed for breaking the speed limits and creating a sonic boom. Maybe I misread his post wrong and if so I apologize.. Go ahead and enjoy your tin foil hats if thats what you want to believe but your making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  13. Your kidding right.. I really hope so. F22 and SR71 only planes that can break the sound barrier.. hahahahah thats funny and you dont seem to know much about airplanes. also, you have no idea what shows up on radar and what doesnt because you dont have access to it. And as far as your sonic boom comment about flying low.... Sonic booms happen at all altitudes and the boom actually travels downwards trailing the plane.. research it if you dont believe me. Yes there are rules but you have no idea why a plane may be traveling at the speeds it is.. If you want to think its some conspiracy then go ahead but understand what your talking about before you make yourself look foolish.
  14. Quoted for when you start looking for parts or have to sell whats left of yours for parts.. Keep me in mind, Im sure I could use some of the stuff that you dont completely destroy.
  15. get a dirtbike and practice in your yard. How proficient are you at doing wheelies now? Are you prepared to destroy your bike?
  16. Everyone get your tinfoil hats out.. I hope you all realize that there are plenty of military jets capable of creating a sonic booms and those flyboys dont always listen to the rules when flying from one base to another. Almost any of the fighter jets at our military bases have the ability to create a sonic boom.
  17. You keep eating and drinking like you do, the only person you will hide the wiener from is yourself. Dickydo and dunlap syndrome.. belly sticks out further then your dicky do and the belly dunlaped over the belt.. You gonna be able to fit into your leathers this year kid?. :eek::D
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