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Everything posted by flounder

  1. I bet that letter is worth some money now.. Hell Im sure disney would buy it back from whoever has it.
  2. Some pictures from the event.. First. Here is the tactical range we were on and shooting at steel targets, 12 inches wide by 18 inches long at these distances. The mile target is a 12 inch circular steel plate The guys who shot in the event. Me and the owner Tom when it was our turn Gun porn and other cool pics. At the end of the day I got to put a few rounds through the Barret 50 that you see below.
  3. I was going to take my camcorder but the temps were so low and we were outside all day, the screen on the camcorder probably would have froze and broke. I will take the camera out there when it warms up this summer.
  4. It is this youtube video.. for some reason embedding has been disabled. watch?v=VX4aqmbaGIo
  5. This event was steel targets. but you can shoot paper and steel all the way to 1K and steel out past that.
  6. Wow.. So today was a blast. We shot targets ranging from 100 yards out to 1 mile... It was incredible. I will definitely be making many more trips back out there throughout the year as well as taking part in this years competitions out there. It was an absolute blast.. I will post pics tomorrow.. I am tired from being out in the 25 degree temps since 930 this morning. to give you an idea of what its like to shoot at those distances, 1 mile is right around 1760 yards and here is a video of people shooting at various distances out to 1600. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX4aqmbaGIo
  7. yeah I saw that posted on another forum.. I hope to god its just a pic taken for the paper. . She will never live it down.
  8. So who are these broads on the cam?
  9. Lets build one at your place... I will deliver "fuel" in your front yard everyday
  10. I doubt it.. this is a personal private range for shooting. Head to vances and see if they have that stuff.
  11. A) Drunk -TRUE B) Not my gun -TRUE C) Drunk -TRUE D) I wasn't arguing - FALSE E) Drunk -TRUE F) No wonder you have such bad rep on CR - DONT CARE, I FIND IT FUNNY G) It was an AK47 for future reference - YEAH, I KNOW, IM THE ONE WHO TOLD YOU THAT WHICH IS WHY YOU WERE ARGUING THAT NIGHT In case you dont remember, you argued with me until we went inside and Schmuckingham confirmed I was right and you were wrong. Like you said, it wasnt your gun but you did argue your ass off. Chili and beer evidently gets you wound up.
  12. I didnt say it was ok but you obviously missed what I wrote. And as far as shooting goes.... After you argued for 10 min at the Halloween party that the box of 7.62 rounds you had was for an AR15, I dont think I want you anywhere near me on a range anyway. You try putting anything in a barrel.
  13. Im thinking of picking up a 22-LR upper for my AR. Talk about a fun toy
  14. You dont know anything about what his reasoning was but way to follow the masses with unfounded opinions.. And using the word kid makes it sound worse. He was 22 and not exactly a kid in my book.. Did you call yourself a kid when you were 22, I think not. And we have thousands of 22yr olds and younger fighting for us in the military so the word kid doesnt apply in my book. As it was said and as it was investigated, they believe the cop thought he was grabbing his tazer.. If you watch the vid, he puts his hands to his head after the shooting like "Oh my god, what just happened." Bad situation, Yes. Was it intentional, I seriously doubt it.
  15. News crews are pieces of shit in most cases. How often do you see anything good on the news? rarely. Cops already have a thankless job and the news crews egg it on by the way they phrase things (everything has to be shock and awe for them) They guy apparently made a mistake and will pay for it but the new crews should be held accountable for the results of what they publish. Im sure some dumb fuk will try going after this cop or riots will happen because of they way the news perceives everything. By using apparently, they are giving themselves the ability to use the word helpless with no responsibility on their part. Using apparently means they dont know shit about what happened but yet they still print it and people will not read the apparently word and will skip straight to helpless. They could just as easily say. Police officer shoots Bart man in back at train station.
  16. He wants to do it with a ramp is my guess. I could see it working if it were tall enough, had the right slope and coefficient of friction and he was able to hit it at the correct angle. I would imagine he would be wearing gear similar to a motorcycle racer and would slide down the ramp slowing down gradually. the 1/3 drop he was talking about is a very similar drop rate to gliders.
  17. It appears to be an accidental shooting but yes he is responsible and the title of this thread is definitely mis-leading and judgmental from someone who only knows what the papers are saying.
  18. Ive seen that guy jump before.. he is damn good.
  19. FREE - What dont you understand about free:D?
  20. then post a link for the talky talky of the landing guy
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