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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Well, I got bored tonight and pulled my rifle apart and adjusted my trigger down to about 2.5 - 3 lbs to get ready for this weekend.
  2. I will be using a .308. Others will be using .308, 300WinShortMag, 300WinMag, .338, and one guy brought a barrett .50 cal last time just to have fun with. Most had a .308 or 300.
  3. Im not sure what time our team bowls.. Usually we are in the morning around 11. As far as the pink ball goes, I have no problem rocking a pink ball.
  4. Yes I will be bowling in it with teams from my company. Each company has a different time that they show up to bowl. As far as the curve ball goes, you will want to talk to Jimmy or Zorro since they were the ones that could actually do it well. I was trying to learn the curve ball myself that night. Awesome R1crusher. Much thanks.
  5. weather.com is saying 37 and sunny for the event this sunday. Lets hope it holds true.
  6. Well, its that time of year again where my office is participating in our yearly Big Brothers, Big Sisters bowling for kids event on Sat Feb 7. As Im sure most of you know, I hate asking anyone for donations but if any of you would like to donate, I’m sure that the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization would appreciate it. If you choose not to participate, I understand that as well as these are tough economic times for all. I hope everyone is having a great year. If you choose to donate, the link to the page is below. Thanks for everything. https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=294449&lis=1&kntae294449=F01FF3FF95F4467F9224D271A59DED3C&supId=161537763
  7. F' you lizard.. Shitty, I can pick them up tomorrow for you. Call me.
  8. Quite a few of those companies are in Ohio including the one I work for which is also listed. You cant always go by what these types of pages say. I think you would be surprised to learn that if you called them, they probably have open positions. I know we have still been hiring.
  9. Par for the course. So Wii tonight?
  10. WTF.. you obviously only chose to read bits and pieces of what I typed. I asked a serious question and even stated I didnt know more then once so quit saying I was trying to push your buttons. .
  11. Did Obama have something to do with it? Im honestly asking since I dont know. I just find it hard to believe the he bacame president only a few days ago to attribute this to him as this has been an ongoing issue for years. Taken from CNN " Federal research funds were prohibited for embryonic stem-cell research until August 2001, when Bush approved spending for research using only already-existing cell lines. Scientists later discovered that fewer than two dozen of those lines were useful for research, but abortion opponents opposed any legislation that would lift Bush's restrictions, and Bush twice vetoed congressional efforts to roll back his rules. President Obama is expected to loosen the restrictions, which many researchers and advocates have complained severely set back work toward curing disease such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes." It says obama is set to loosen restrictions but nothing about him being the reason for the current approval. Like I said, Im just asking, I dont have any idea. Im all for stem cell research.
  12. Definitely Tacticool. Im sure people will do it because of the article and there ipods will get destroyed quick due to the recoil of the weapon. Those are ok tools in a pinch but there are a ton better ones out there most of which run on a pda with win mobile. Either way, they are decent to get an initial dope for distance shooting but I would never mount that thing to my rifle.
  13. Its a blast.. By far the most fun I have ever had shooting.
  14. Just in case any of you may be interested in coming to this event that could not make the last event. If you have any questions or are interested, please feel free to let me know. Shooters, The match will be held on 2-1-09 (Sunday)at 10:30 a.m. sharp! 5 targets at each station ranging from 200 yards to 2000. You will need 60 -100 rounds. Bring food/water and change of clothes. Two man teams this time so pair up. All new shooters welcome and we will help you along the way. MAKE SURE WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT THE RANGE YOUR BOLT IS OUT OF YOUR RIFLE! Thanks, Tom Sarver Thunder Valley Precision "We build precision rifles and train you how to use them" 740-502-6530 www.ohio1000yd.com
  15. Get a dirtbike to learn to stunt with.. It will save your ass and is allot cheaper then trashing your 636
  16. For some reason, this pic reminds me of the creature in the movie "The Relic"
  17. There are probably 400 "system security" virus/malware. Sorry bout your luck tell your dad to wise up. PS.. once you have 1, you tend to get a shitload more within days. (as in 100's -1000's more)
  18. Hey lizard.. did you notice that the pic for the link to motorcycle times on mylaps appears to be a 45 Vesrah bike but I dont know if they had that number or not.. Could just be a similar yellow bike.
  19. Since not all people know what my laps is in lizards post. Here ya go These are the lap times as taken by the transponders during races at these events www.mylaps.com
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