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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Bolton field... Much, Much cheaper then OSU and the tower workers at OSU used to have a tendency to be a pain in the arse.... At least they used to. I havent landed there or entered their airspace for quite some time just because of that reason
  2. Sinner, Where is the pic of me with all the booze in my toolbelt.. your wifey took it. I looked like a walking bar.
  3. flounder

    Did you vote?

    That would be my guess. Both Mccain and Obama were close to the middle on the machine I used.
  4. I wasnt saying you were slow. I was saying that you will never notice a difference between the two and should save the money
  5. Does he hanger it at Bolton field? and by the way, pics really dont mean anything when trying to sell an airplane. There are soo many things that need accounted for, its rediculous. I hate to say it but Im 99% sure you wont have any luck selling it on this site. The outside of the plane looks nice though.
  6. No offense, but until you actually do a track day and improve your speed and conering, a regular set of pilot powers will do you just fine. save the extra $20-$40 and do not buy the 2ct. I did 3-4 track days on a set of regular Pilot powers.
  7. hahahaha technically its both.
  8. Yes it does and it is one of those hobbies where you can continously learn and gain more ratings and experience... Assuming you have the money to do it.
  9. Pretty much but you want to pump them as well to get everything out of the valves and then you need to measure accurately when you fill them back up.
  10. Not married. That was pedro's way of saying she's with me and taken.
  11. Rule of thumb for street riding.. Expect gravel in every corner Expect oil on every corner and on all straights. Expect shit to be in the road everywhere. (animals, debris, etc.) Expect huge potholes Expect oncoming cars to be in your lane on turns Expect someone to turn in front of you or cut you off. Espect someone to brake check you. Expect the unexpected.
  12. Many small airports have flight training. Just give them a call and get started. Im personally a fan of Bolton field which is where I rent from and do my recurrent training as well as Instrument training. I got my pilots license years ago when I still lived in Dayton. I started out flying from a grass airstrip in tailwheel airplanes with no electrical system. I loved it. Yeah we used to have to handprop the airplane to start it. I have flown: Cessna 150 Cessna 172 Tailercraft J3 piper Cub Aeronca Champ Decathalon (Aerobatic training) Citabria (Aerobatic training) The 2 below were friends of mine when I lived in dayton and I was lucky enough to get up in both of them. Waco RNF Biplane (early 1900's) Waco Cabin Biplane (early 1900's) I also have a pretty good pic of my buddy mike and I after we got done flying a Waco UPF (I think that was the model) as well as some video of us doing aerobatics in it. I will upload the vid and get the pics later.
  13. I know.. I even took a pic of it. Thats why I moved over to the 200-300 yard range.. I was scared putty was going to try and put his "piece" where it didnt belong. See..
  14. Currently, Im the only one legal to fly it. Still wanna chip in?
  15. Yeah right putty.. you post that pic because you like it, it reminds you of yourself and your gay feelings towards other men. I truly think its a way for you to slowly come out of the closet. :lol:
  16. Looks and dances just like you Putty...
  17. Then that would probably do you right. If you eventually get into the trails and more technical what I would consider fun stuff then you may want a sport quad but until then, there is something to be said about a quad with a plow and winch. Why do you want a plow?
  18. As soon as I saw you were the last post in here, I knew what you had posted. EAT A DICK... Actually i was surprised I didnt make the list as well.
  19. We got lost as all hell last time we were there. Ended up back at the same spot like 4 different times. Then the thunderstorm came and we were all damn near out of gas. Luckily we found some other guys that were headed back and followed them. Even they got turned around a few times.
  20. No but its a shit ton heavier and slower off the line which means you wont be jumping some of the little ravines and mud flows that he the faster sport quads can. Not to mention a much larger turning radius due to its length. Granted, Im talking about Perry only here and like I said, its not exactly quad friendly at that place.. Wayne is fine for quads and I have even seen some of the side by side APV’s out there.
  21. Hell, At perry, there will be allot of places you wont be able to go due to its size. Or course Perry, isnt exactly quad friendly.
  22. Sorry to hear.. heal up soon. day 2 after the crash is when you will be the most sore.
  23. yep.. obviously you already hit her page up.
  24. I need to get some of the pics from her camera.. they were pretty good. The pics she took before getting to my place are even better.
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