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Everything posted by flounder

  1. hahahahh pedro. Brennan - She used to be on to board but she is always studying for school and doesnt get on here anymore. and yes she rides and has her own bike.
  2. I think I'm probably the only person on this board with a pilots license.. I may be wrong though. His best best is to advertise it at all the local airfields in Ohio as well as the airplane trader magazine. Post some pics and details of the plane.
  3. Its pretty bad there right now.. Actually really bad. I was out in San Diego for work about 2 months ago and 2 of us decided we were going to hit Tijuana and everyone from the client said that even they wouldnt be caught dead going down there they way things have been. Well, we didnt listen to their advice and went anyway. yep, thats right, we drove to the border and caught a bus down to tiujana.. nothing special IMO.. lots of people trying to sell you junk goods and donkey shows and rob you. I dont have any desire to go back really. And you definitely dont want to be american and caught down there after dark.. Its really nasty then. lots of kidnappings and murders.
  4. Im gonna go and try and vote early today or at least get a absentee ballot while Im there.
  5. 1pc suit for sure. Either boots are fine. Dont forget about the TCX boots either. (I have the TCX) I would go with GP pro gloves. (I have them.) Helmet, I would get at least a SHOEI RF1000. ( I have an RF1000 and a X11, Both are great, X11 fits better, feels lighter but is more $$ also)
  6. Post #9 at the bottom of the pics I posted.
  7. Just an FYI.. If he did something similar to what happened to me, then he may think its the motor when its just the transmission. I scalded a gear to the axle shaft and it acted the a similar way as what a seized motor would... If he doesnt know engines all that well then he may not have an idea of what actually happened
  8. Whats your reasoning for making a custom subframe
  9. There is no telling what all is wrong with until you tear it apart.. Why does he think its the crank... It may be something not nearly as bad or something worse then what he thinks
  10. Its a xerox copy... see my earlier comment.
  11. ahhhh.. good ole UD... I spent lots of fun times there... 5 years worth to be exact.
  12. Besides yota.. thats an 848 and we were talking about the 1098 and your partial to that guy because you were playing with his balls in the pits.
  13. Better.. Not to mention Lorenzo Lanzi or th3e regular xerox paint scheme
  14. I want to run my fingers through it first.. It looks so smooth.
  15. Uh, yeah,, thats the crazy civic drifting, fast and the furious, tokyo drift actor, OG750 (aka, the new Asian) rocking out in the space capsule. Isnt he precious. hahaha
  16. You have no avatar, therefore you are nothing..
  17. Its a sad situation but obviously he was mentally sick to be able to do it...
  18. If youre saying TX has riding weather year round, you must be out of your damn mind. 115 degree summers are NOT riding weather.. And its humid as shit there many days.
  19. I dont know who you are without an avatar..
  20. It looks like one of those older mdical bicycle encloseres where they measure O2. C02, Nitrogen, etc during the exercise process.
  21. hahaha nice... Its also the Asian bubble boy or better yet.. No I know how vending machines work. I put in change and some asian locked in side gives me my bag of chips.
  22. flounder

    sad story...

    So I heard this on the news last night and found the link today. I was friends with the father back in highschool. He was in my class. Sad story. Hopefully the baby recovers. It was life flighted to childrens hospital. http://www.galioninquirer.com/local.asp?Story=1 http://www.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/article/20081029/NEWS01/310290006/-1/ I have always said my hometown is fucked up. This is one of many similar stories from that town and people in my class. As bad as it sounds, At least he is not around anymore to do something like that again.
  23. My questions are these from an IT standpoint 1. Why the hell wasnt the OR host performing completion checks on backups. (Shitty host to me) Not to mention that they are not doing adequate backups. 2 fucking months, are you kidding me. They should be running full backups weekly and validating those and performing incrementals on another agreed upon basis. Sounds like they are doing full backups monthly and no incrementals at all. I would be getting my money back and find a different host. 2 Does the host ever do periodic restores to test their backup media for problems just like this. 3. What caused the crash in the first place.
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