Oh, I can and have and when my pegs hit it scared the hell out of me. I really want to work on my form and ability this year at the track.. Im going to annoy the hell out of Drew and LizardLicker for pointers. LizardLickAlotofCack already told me that the main thing I need to do is.. and I quote. "Grow a set of balls" Real nice guy huh.. Imagine hearing that every time you ask an instructor for pointers. Yota to his instructor: So Im having some problems in the keyhole. Response: Grow a set of balls. Yota to his instructor: I cant seem to hold my line. Response: Grow a set of balls. Yota to his instructor: How should I enter the carosel, Response: Grow a set of balls. We would all be incredible riders with that type of feedback wouldnt we.