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Everything posted by flounder

  1. I wondered how long it would be before you spoke up... I will quit torquing the hell out of things when you quit feeding your turbo rocks trying to bend blades and bend shafts... Also, Chalk one of for me with the clogged PCV comment..... Any idea on what that thing is going to cost you to fix yet?
  2. Yep,,, Here is the list, last I knew • Cleveland Avenue and Spring Street • 4th Street and 5th Ave • 3rd St and Fulton St • Broad St and 3rd Street • Summit St and Chittenden Ave • 4th St and Mt Vernon • Broad St and Grant Ave • Gettysburg Road and Henderson Road • Fairwood Ave and Livingston Avenue • 4th Street and Town Street • Cleveland Ave and Naughten St • Central Ave and Sullivant Ave • Broad St and Sylvan Ave • Hudson St and I-71 N • Broad St and 4th St • Hamilton Rd and I-70 W • Main and 3rd St • 4th and Nationwide I thought they were all still giving warnings though.
  3. Nothing crazy... I just said.. "Do you think they would have been standing in the road at 245am if they were not watching the race.. The title of the thread is accurate.. " Then I saw the JK after it posted so I edited mine to correct for my blindness..
  4. I think we may be talking about different brands of tools. I know that some of the quality T handles have a round shaft all the way to the end and are made of heavy quality metal. These you can definitely spin quick while working on things. The cheaper ones are a hex shaft all the way to the tip which isnt so friendly for spinning. I personally have attachments for all of my sockets that allows me to put them on my drill with or without and extension. I also have the smaller bits that you can insert into an attachment to use on the drill as well. I personally like using the drill for all of the bolts, especially the long ones. I jut make sure I adjust the torque settings on the drill so I dont over tighten and strip something. Kinda rhetorical since I just started a thread about stripped bolts today.. of course that one was caused by using an SAE bit where I should have been using metric.
  5. Fucking double posts again... SATAN.. enable the ability to delete our own posts... this is annoying as hell when the double posts occur.
  6. damn double posts... GOD dammit satan,,,, enable the ability to delete your own posts.
  7. Do you think the bystanders actually thought they were taking a risk... Im guessing NO..
  8. Personal preference.. I have both but I like the sockets and the smaller bit inserts better. I find that for smaller sizes, (stuff under 5mm) that the longer T handles tend to twist the entire length of the T which sometimes causes rounding off at the end.. ...
  9. didnt see the JK... edited my post. . woops.
  10. I agree with you that the sockets come in way more handy then the T-Handles.. Nice thing about the sockets is that you can also put them on the end of your drill for the really long bolts... I would suggest getting the sockets over T-Handles any day...
  11. Dumbass.... By the way,, what the hell do you want 1/8 for... 1/4 is about as small as sockets go. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=93193 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94534 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94693 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94536 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=35183
  12. So yesterday I was working on finishing up the install of my new suspension.. Well, my new rear shock (Penske Triple) has a remote resevoir which has to be mounted as well. The general way of doing this is to cut slits in the battery box and undertail and mount the reservoir to that with worm clamps. See pic of Lizards shock for example of reservoir mounting. Well as I go to remove one of the bolts that holds the seat on, the damn thing stripped completely.. Now before anyone says try this, try that, I have been working on shit for years and am well aware of all the little tricks however, this was completely rounded and I could not get a dremel or anything on the head to make my own slot for a screwdriver. So I call up my pops as he works at Home depot just to ask him if he has gotten any feedback on which extractors tend to work better or worse then others. He said that they have one set called ProGrabit which comes in a set of 3 for 19.99 that they cant keep on the shelves because they work so well. So off to homedepot I head to grab a set. I bought them and thought that the reverse threads on them didn't seem very sharp so Im not sure how well they will work on a SS head bolt.. Well.. Tell ya what... that little fucker pulled that screw straight the hell out.. I was seriously impressed and would recommend them to anyone. They are not listed on Home Depot's page but they do carry them in the stores. If you ever have the same problem, I suggest getting a set of these. You wont be sorry..
  13. http://news.aol.com/story/_a/8-killed-in-drag-race-on-suburban-road/20080216110009990001 ACCOKEEK, Md. (Feb. 16) - A car plowed into a group of street-racing fans obscured by a cloud of tire smoke on a highway Saturday, killing eight people and scattering bodies in the early morning darkness. See page for pics.. RIP...
  14. I think that most people are only linking to images hosted elsewhere At least thats what i have been doing to get around the problem. I will give it a shot.
  15. I posted the same thing damn near a year ago Ben...
  16. flounder

    Yo Flounder

    You have 2 options.. 1 you pay for the plane and the instructor fee. Two.. you pay for the plane and I charge you nothing but you still rack up your hours as if you would when an instructor is in the plane. Obviously you would primarily do this if you wanted to practice your cross country's or maneuvers and wanted to have a safety pilot in the plane.
  17. flounder

    Yo Flounder

    If ya need any help or want someone to quiz you over beers, let me know. Also, if you want to build your hours and need a licensed pilot and dont want to pay the instructor fee, just let me know.. I will go up anytime.
  18. flounder

    Yo Flounder

    To be honest, I wouldnt want one... There are some super homebuilt kits you can get as well as just pick up a used airplane for around 30K-50K depending what you want. Dont forget that there is allot of maintenance costs associated with an airplane, some of which by law, you are not allowed to perform yourself. If I were to go homebuilt, I would probably get an RV of some model.. They are quick and depending on the model, fully aerobatic. I personally love flying the piper cub, citabria, and decathalon's... All of them are tailwheel airplanes which makes it more fun... First things first, get your license before looking to buy a plane...
  19. I give props to everyone that busts their ass and make sacrifices to get their education.. cudos to you as well. I may have mis taken your original statement.
  20. flounder


    You can get around that hit shift and then while your jumping hit space while using the arrows. .. you will have to try it a few times but it works
  21. flounder

    Yo Flounder

    It is super light and with such a small wing surface, I would hate to try and takeoff, fly, or land that thing on anyday where there wasnt absolutely 0 zero wind. Im talking 1-2 knots at the very most and it had better be a direct headwind because a cross wind of anys ort on that little thing would get ya killed in a heartbeat.
  22. flounder

    Yo Flounder

    Yeah I have heard of them and seen them at some airshows.. If memory serves me, there were some issues with them. Are you looking at building one or something?
  23. flounder


    Game is pretty easy if you think about it.
  24. Nice vid... the last line killed me.... "He's great with his sister"
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