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Everything posted by flounder

  1. I run 10psi... is that too low... but I only do it when Im running ludicrous speed..
  2. Likewise.. let me know if you need anything.. when are you moving.
  3. I knew you were going to do something.... you probably already got a sprocket as well. Sneaky facker
  4. flounder

    Qs&l 10-31-07

    Im surprised that no one has commented that the date is wrong for this week.. I hope you all have fun meeting next week at QSL (31st) as tomorrow is the 24th..
  5. Yeah it was a mellow night.. went and had a drink at Bar of lui and then came home.
  6. Time to buy a gun and get your CCW as well.
  7. Renters insurance and car insurance usually drops if you live in a gated community. Of course your rent usually offsets the difference. I feel for ya man.. that sucks.
  8. flounder

    Lemon Law

    I think Lemon law also states that it has to happen to major components. (i.e, tranny, engine, computer, etc. )
  9. flounder

    Lemon Law

    Yeah I forgot about that.. funny thing is that when I was out there getting my second recall done, that bike was bike in again... "after the first engine rebuild"
  10. Yeah.. I havent had a chance to check it out yet.. Bandwidth issues and the fact that Im at a client site, i dont want to risk it.
  11. Im not worried about repairing the clutch, Im just hoping that is the only problem .. and that the transmission isnt damaged.. I was getting some wierd feedback from the bike.. Not to mention i really dont want to drop $150 on a new clutch and basket right now.
  12. Not sure what shape the clutch was in when i got it but Im sure I feathered it like a streetbike in alot of situations so Im sure its somewhat my fault as well. You can be damn sure i wont be doing that anymore. clutches..
  13. Putty rode mine and said he may have to change the rear sprocket on his so that it rides like mine.. Too bad I trashed the clutch last weekend and will have to rebuild it this weekend..
  14. You prick.. I just bought a 02 yz 250 about 2 months ago.. yours looks F'ing sweet.
  15. it will give quicker acceleration, and will want to wheelie more.. you will loose top end speed.
  16. flounder


    I dont know what your deal is lately but hey way to make yourself feel cool.. Im not sure what crawled up your ass but you would be better off to go see a doctor and get it extracted.....
  17. Thanks man... appreciate it.
  18. Yeah I wasn't used to all the nuns and no fighting and stuff.. I remember when Adam Klashinski started talking shit to me one day and I went after him to beat his ass in the hall. He stopped me and was like "man we were just arguing.. we dont really fight in here" I was like WTF..I was in shock.. hell at my school, we fought all the time.. and used to go out to someones farm land outside of city limits so the cops couldn't do anything to break it up.. It was definitely a weird situation coming there. Its not that I was sent there to get straighted up, it was more like I really couldn't go to another public school because they were a different district then where I lived.. (red tape BS)
  19. flounder


    I love that thing.. I want to pet its crooked ass head.
  20. yeah I know but they didnt have the grounds they needed for expulsion so they found another way to get me to leave. You have to actually work to get expelled.. at least you did when I was in highschool..
  21. I got in quite a bit of trouble my junior year and pretty much got kicked out of my public school... They couldn't really kick me out since it was public but they basically said that if you come back next year, we are pretty much going to take every opportunity we get to fail you in your classes so your better off leaving. I had a probation officer that came to the school 2-3 times a week and pulled me out of class to "check up" on me, I couldnt leave the county with out getting permission which really sucked since the town sat on the county line and going to mansfield meant leaving the county (I worked at snowtrails). Court mandated Curfew's and all that shit...
  22. flounder


    He does love that icon.
  23. flounder


    Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today..
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