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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Nice intro vid to the bike.. I love watching racers back it into corners.
  2. Hopefully ordering the parts this weekend.
  3. Like I said.. It was Linus Torvalds that wrote the first linux kernal and that is where the term Linux came from.
  4. Sacrifices are scacrifices.. You know what my basement looks like right now.. I already have a project on my hands to get that motor back together and up and running.
  5. I would damn sure ride that thing... Talk about having a unique bike.. Hmmm... does flounder need another toy???? maybe... wonder what the cost will be.
  6. Linus is a guy... Linux is an OS. Linus Torvalds wrote the first Linux Kernal and is considered the creator. Linus and Linux are not interchangeable like some system terms. You will love Linux once you get the hang of it. It is extremely powerful but at the same time, you open yourself up to allot of security risks if you do not know how to properly secure the system.
  7. Farm... I will let chris explain.... Gixxer.com thing.
  8. There is that possibility.. I love cool shit like that... What did you buy it for in the first place.
  9. Go back to the farm Junky... Im going to nominate myself an honorary member.
  10. I have no idea what your talking about in regards to lighting that thing.
  11. I agree that he is a smart guy and will surely do whatever it takes to have it running tip top. also like I said, it wont make all that much of a difference for the average street rider. Joe at MSP will set him up well. There were 3 of us out there on St Patties day last year.. That was a good day. I still wont forget what a 1/4 stick of dynamite does to a large cooler.. hahahahaha. Pedro, Putty, JonnyMac, and Bannas will remember that one.
  12. Since you like my un-needed responses, heres another for you. You stated you disliked my negative comments but I fail to see how you have the ability to tell "tone" through a typed response. Maybe you should have just asked if I was trying to be a smartass or just ask me to clarify my statement. Everyone on here knows that I have no problem telling someone if I think something is stupid, and in this situation I said nothing of the sort. Could I have written it differently to tailor to how you would have read it, maybe.. was it necessary, I dont think so. When someone speaks of getting a custom map, I would assume that they know the results of tuning a bike during different weather conditions and how the dyno will read. I was stating that it sucks to have the temp as it is during his tune, as I assume he would agree as the bike will run differently as the weather warms up and humidity increases. (thus the reason for wideband fuel management with O2 sensors that adjust your fuel/air based on current weather situations.) Will it make a substantial difference, definatley not for street riding. I only stated something that Im sure he already knew and would feel the same way about.. The true results of a dyno tune is not going to be your max hp numbers, its going to be the results of the before run compared to the after run. You cant compar dyno readings for different bikes, on different days or on different dynos. (Why you ask.. because all dynos read different and WEATHER has an effect of your outcome) If you dont believe me, read up on it yourself, but hopefully Im not stating something that you dont already know because I will give you the benefit of the doubt unlike you.
  13. Next week must be the week for trainings. Im taking the Certified Ethical Hacker training class next week.
  14. Whats your deal? I wasn't criticizing him for having it tuned today I was saying that it sucks that the temp dropped. Thanks for your un-needed comment though..
  15. Engine is split.. looks like bent shift forks. Going to verify tonight with dealer.. Unfortunately, the crank appears to be shot as well. so.... New shift forks X 3. New crank, New clutch kit. Odds and ends pieces like bearings and circlips, etc. Nice thing is that all the gaskets are in tip top shape so I am not dropping another $100 on a gasket kit. I will clean them up, oil them a bit, and maybe use a little liquid gasket as added protection. I thought about re-ringing it but the piston and cylinder is fine. No blowback or anything so Im going to save that $30 for when it needs it. They were also replaced about 15 hrs ago anyway.
  16. That sucks that you tuning it with todays temps... But.... you will get a higher HP reading with lower temps, and damn near zero humidity.
  17. FACK you shitty... I have an dis-assembled engine in my basement right now and the light to work on it sucks even with contractors lights set up.
  18. This site is for BIKERS in and around the ohio area. Since you no longer have a bike, Im going to have to ask you to retire your membership. Are you planning on hitting any cars with plastic footballs anytime soon? PS.. We need to build a Hillbilly golf set.
  19. I rocked that for a long time back in the day when I used to do systems administration. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET...-----> WYSIWYG
  20. Bruised and broken tail bones are horrible.
  21. I wasnt taking offense to it, I actually figured that your account was compromised. As far as my political views are concerned, to be honest, I really dont have any. I know how bulletins work by the way.. Works the same way when accounts are compromised and you start getting postings about porn or drugs. Like I said, it is that time of the year so the post was more to let you know that you may have been compromised. As I said, I dont have any real political views and dont know enough about whats going on to make a informed decision for any candidate.
  22. So I get this myspace message from you.. Not sure if you sent it or if your account has been compromised but you are posting this bulletin to everyone on your friends list. Start Bulletin " www.thisnovember5th.com A large donation to the Ron Paul for President campaign is being coordinated for today, November 5th. Please make any donation you can at www.ronpaul2008.com/donate Ron Paul is the ONLY Presidential candidate worth voting for. He fights tirelessly in Congress, as he will as President, to restore our Constitutional freedoms, end needless wars, minimize federal spending, lower taxes, expose government corruption, and restore America's global image. A donation to Ron Paul's campaign is an investment. The Federal Reserve continues to print money, unbacked, out of thin air to pay for the war, and in turn, our earnings and savings are losing value every day! The Canadian dollar is now worth 7 cents more than the US dollar, and it is only getting worse! Please, make a donation, no amount is too small. www.RonPaul2008.com/donate" End Bulletin
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