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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Scratches just mean you need more stickers to cover them up...
  2. I hope you have your tank cam mounted because I will have no problem giving you the middle finger while leaned over... Come to think of it.. that would look pretty funny on video...
  3. Trap door in the tail section loaded with BB's will do the same.. Come and get it Chris...
  4. My money will be going towards suspension, tires, maybe clipons, and track plastics. I want track performance before looks right now.
  5. Same here. I need an address to mail the letter.
  6. I didnt ask for shit from you.. I was making my point that you shouldnt assume how people got where they are as he had previously stated. Working my ass off has allowed me to get to where I am today.. I wouldn't change a thing...
  7. Hyde Park... Steak with crabmeat and a lobster tail.
  8. not sure a yellow undertail would look too hot on a blue/black bike.. Ours our the same color..
  9. What did you do.. Buy all the stuff for the 05-750 for yourself.
  10. flounder

    Ride on 10/14

    Shut your mouth... Im ready.. Iron Pony at noon? any arguments?
  11. flounder

    bow hunting

    I enjoy hunting and it is a good thing to help control the deer population.. We have to "pay" for a license because the gov knows they can make money off of it. Not to mention there are wildlife officials that have salaries that need to be paid. No matter what you think.. Hunting is a business to the gov and a hobby for most of us. I commend you bunny because from what you say, you work at a Vet. I always wanted to be a vet and used to volunteer at one on a regular basis. However, Im not buying a license to hunt domesticated animals or your neighborhood cat. Hunting is a hell of allot harder and generally more expensive then going to the store and picking up a pack of steaks or chicken. So while bambi isn't swinging a gun in my face, she sure as hell has a better chance of survival then the turkeys sitting in the cooler at Krogers. Hunting is a strong topic with some and that is fine with me but dont be fooled and think that its un-fair or just bloody murder just because you dont to it. I dont see anyone posting threads about the meat counter at krogers being too full or the poor dead fish frozen ready to be taken home. Its a difference of opinions and one person is not going to change the others. And bunny, you are right,, there will be allot more deer running around this time of year so everyone definitely should be careful whether in a car or on a bike. Zorro,, what kind of bow hunting do you do. Compound or Crossbow
  12. Basically.. buy sliders and be done with it because you have a 50/50 chance of them helping or hurting depending on the type of crash..
  13. flounder

    Qs&l 10-10-07

    Lots o hair on that SOB... the head could never be found.
  14. What you mention above would not get you a college education, It gets you something along the lines of an Oracle certification. It is my guess that while your school teaches it, its an elective and not considered CORE curriculum for a degree. I dont know all the courses at OSU though so if they have a degree which is DB oriented then I could see it, but like I said, I havent heard of it. A situation like this I may be able to see but I still see it as a certification option and not something accredited like a degree. Why wouldnt they just give him time off early everyday so he can take classes at an accredited institution? After all its the same thing right (Time off for education-- your words not mine.) HAHAHA... you obviously dont know shit about me. I started working construction (masonry work) fulltime in the summers when I was 14yrs old for my grandfather making 4.15 an hr. Once I could drive, I worked 2 jobs during the school year (about 40hrs a week) and a hell of allot more then full time in the summers working for a moving company moving furniture. As far as moving out goes, I did move out when I was 18... I moved to Dayton and put myself through school. and while going to school I worked 3 jobs, paid all my own bills and put myself through flight training on the side. Many times I didnt have money for books so I just borrowed them from people the night before the test and taught myself 4 or 5 chapters. Other times I couldn't even attend the classes because I had to work. I got into many arguments with the various deans of the different schools at the university about their attendance policy since they tried docking my grade for attendance. Sleep was like fucking vacation to me and to this day Im still in the habit of only sleeping around 4-5 hrs a night.. MAX.. Im all for education and I preach education on a regular basis. Im also all for helping people find jobs as in the business word today its more about who you know then what you know to get you an interview or job. My degree..Does it really matter? I thought the whole topic was about people putting effort towards an education no matter what it was in. If you must know, I have a degree in Computer Engineering and I will be paying the loans off for years to come.. My point is this.. In most cases, these training classes your referring to are not "stackable" to the point of a "College Degree" I dont care how many IT trainings you take, they will not give you a degree.. they give you a certification in a specific area. Earning a PMP (Project Management Professional) cert does not give you a "stack" for business. Accredited universities are accredited for a reason. a 1 or 2 week training does not equate to a quarter or a semester of classes. Why wouldnt the person just take online classes since they could do them at home? Like I said.. I could see something like this for a vocational type degree or some other degrees but definitely not something like a Bachelors degree or above.
  15. FALSE... Most careers that require college education are not going to hire you to get a college education just by working for them. Its a catch 22. you have to have the education and a degree to get the job,, not get the job to get the education. If your talking about a vocational type degree then ok (ex. mechanic, mason, construction, etc). but this will not apply to most business situations or educations. Going to college is hard for only 2 reasons. MONEY and laziness.. Those who want to go will find a way to make it work for them. (And those are the people that I want to work with, work for, and want to work for me because they are the motivated ones)
  16. I really dont see how that survey will be helpful for determining "stackables"
  17. http://www.break.com/index/japanese-vertical-soccer.html
  18. Sounds like you have already make up your mind..
  19. Im not saying that I wouldn't confront them because I have the same protective mentality whether its my property or someone I care about. Im just saying that generally a bike thief will have your bike loaded and gone in under 30 seconds which by the time the alarm goes off, they are probably damn near gone. If you want to protect your bike.. GET LOJACK... that way when they find your bike, they get the whole ring of thieves..
  20. Actually all of the"GOOD" bolts are designed to bend.. a hardened bolt sill snap instantly.. its the bolts ability to accept stress and bend instead of snap that helps to save the bike.
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