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Everything posted by flounder

  1. These guys are on another forum I frequent. Watch the entire vid. There's another one where they are doing it with shotguns. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiHmYsyVniE
  2. There wasnt much vendor swag to be had actually. Unless you like stickers, pamphlets, and brochures.
  3. It was a good time for sure. Although it just makes me want to spend more money on things.
  4. And like I said. You'll have to wait for the vids until Im on a better connection. And yes you could pick up, play with, and handle everything you see in the pics.
  5. So we just finished up with Shot Shot and I have to say, there is more stuff there then you can imagine. I think their estimate is approximately 20 miles of vendor isles at sHOT. For thos that dont know what Shot is it stands for Shooting Hunting & Outdoor Trade. Its a vendor only event and its not open to the public. Before posting any pics or vids I want to give a shoutout to all the great guys and companies that we had the pleasure to hangout with or work with. and in no particular order Underground Skunkworks AAC (Advanced Armament) AI (Accuracy International APA (American Precision Arms) TAB Gear Accushot Manners Stocks Bartlein Barrels GAP (G.A. Precision) DTA (Desert Tactical Arms) USO (US Optics) Nightforce Seekins Rock Creek SWR YHM Spikes Tactical American Rifle Company Surefire Vortex Optics PTG (Pacific Tool and Gauge) Harris Publications Flir Thanks to Mike at Underground Skunkworks, we got invited to the AAC private party on Tuesday night, and the Harris Publications and Flir parties on Wednesday. Incredible time and you all will love the vids from the AAC event. AAC rented out the entire Voodoo Lounge which is the top 2 floors/rooftops of the RIO. on the 52nd floor Ill try my best to gradually start adding pictures but Im on a slow connection right now.
  6. flounder

    12 Gauge 14+1

    What do you need/want?
  7. flounder

    12 Gauge 14+1

    We checked out a few of the AR's but to be honest Im more of a precision bolt gun guy. Even for another AR, I would build it from the ground up so completed assembled AR platforms were not as high on our list. Also there were 20 miles of isles to walk through so it was easy to miss things. Ill try and get some of the pics posted tomorrow night or sunday at the latest.
  8. flounder

    12 Gauge 14+1

    To be honest I didnt really even stop at the colt booth. Nothing there I really wanted to see / play with.
  9. flounder

    12 Gauge 14+1

    I actually didnt think I would like it when I first saw it but I played with it yesterday at their booth and it was pretty cool. Ill start a thread when I get back and post all the pics ive taken. We've pretty much hit every booth here at the SHOT show so today will be for placing orders, finalizing contract selection, taking a few more pics and seeing the sights on the strip. There are over 20 miles of isles out here at the SHOT show. Its been crazy.
  10. Buy bulk and shoot the snot out of it. Youre not shooting comps with it and its not a comp gun so dont worry. Just remember that the jacketed/plated bullets will feed better and longer as the straight lead bullets will dirty up the feed ramp a bit quicker. Either way, nothing you feed it will hurt it so go enjoy. When it gets dirty, clean it then shoot the snot out of it and dirty it up again.
  11. Ruger has a firing pin blocking device that keeps the pin from slamming into the breech when being dry fired. Since .22 are rim fire the firing pin hits the rim of the case and not a central located primer. If you dont have a round in the chamber, the pin can actually strike the breach face causing problems. But as said, Ruger has a firing pin block in place when there is no round in the chamber to prevent damage.
  12. A long way.. Reuben at 35 Motorsports is south of Indy.
  13. Sorry.. I wont be there but Im sure there will be plenty of guys willing to fill your box if you let them
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