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Everything posted by flounder

  1. flounder


    Thats exactly what I needed. "Context. Snorkel
  2. flounder


    I just figured there would be a story to go along with the pics. I didnt start a thread about my avatar so like I said, I was expecting some type of story. Something like "Pulled these from a thread about, bikes laying on side in random places" or "Bikes taking naps" etc. Something?
  3. flounder


    Without a story, its just a pic of a bike laying in 2 inch of water. Nothing special.
  4. I had one that I just kept in the truck so I didnt have to worry about leaving my good one in the truck. It didnt last long. It just stays on when the battery is in it and doesnt seem to read correct anymore.
  5. Ill tell ya what, after making the last one, I would suggest just buying it to be honest and Im 99% sure he doesnt want to have anything to do with someone manually machining suppressor baffles/cores again. It turned out to be allot more time consuming then expected and pretty hard on the tooling due to the amount of cutting. Find someone in a machine shop with a CNC and thats a different story. Draw up the schematic in CAD and send them the IGES file and let them hit the "Go" button.
  6. Actually I would prefer about 2000 7mm Berger 180grain Hybrids. Ive got to start building inventory for when the new toy is done in about 4 months.
  7. I would hope the spectre is somewhat quieter but who knows. They may actually be the same or clsoe enough to not notice a difference. Dunno, Wont know until we can compare. I think I can safely say that it wont be 5x quieter which is what it would need to be to make up the difference in cost that I have in mine. I only have about $50 in material in my Form 1 .22 can. My time to build it is a different story.
  8. 26 or 28 rounds. I cant remember.
  9. For those of you that have never met me and dont know what I look like, that is me in the vid doing the shooting.
  10. I spent yesterday up at my buddies shop. We decided to take a break and do some playing so I thought you would get a kick out of this. My buddies shop is Short Action Customs and this is one of his builds. This is an Short Action Customs (SAC) built Full Auto SBR AR running a Spikes Tactical .22 Conversion & Form 1 Suppressor. All work to convert to Full Auto and build the SBR was done by him. He is a Class 2 Manufacture so everything you see here is 100% legal for him. Also attached is a Form 1 suppressor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u9Es5FFZFM
  11. and with farm animals as well.
  12. And it looks really dry .. Now it all makes sesnse. Menopause = dry cardboard like box.
  13. You talk like I dont already have a camera, tripod, and remote. My suggestion is when you do this, run the camcorder cable to the TV so you can watch it on a bigscreen. They usually like this better then squinting at a 2" camcorder screen. I also suggest having music playing as well because some get freaked out by the sounds the first few times. I mean, thats what I hear.
  14. Lust is more fun than love anyway. Cheaper in the long run as well and with lust, you rarely have the awkward conversation that goes... "You want to do what with my sister!!! PS. Invite your girlfriends, the more the merrier. Bring at least 3 because I will surely piss 2 of them off before the shenanigans begin.
  15. I call BS on this one. You just wouldnt leave me alone so I was trying to scare you off. Didnt work which I guess means your a woman whore ps. leave my gun alone.
  16. This is both the good and bad part. Sometimes you dont even realize you are playing the game because your actually trying to avoid the game.
  17. That was just the quick version. Im not going to post the other rules and strategic tricks we had for fear of exposing too much information of who I used to be. Lets just say, Ive considered writing a book before of the results and experiences. If I knew the things I know now back when I was in college, I would have been a menace to society. Notice I said, who I "used" to be.
  18. You caught me while I was editing my post.. check it now.
  19. 1st . Quit crying and moaning to random dudes on the interwebz about your girl problems. 2nd. Go out with some buddies, get some drinks and find something female to keep you occupied for the night. 3rd. Ask female companion who you dont remember their name to leave in the morning because you have stuff to do. 4th. Wash sheets 5th. Repeat 1-5 until you are no longer crying in your cereal to people on the net and are comfortable picking up chicks. Eventually you will find one that is worth not booting out in the morning. I may sound like a dick here but most people would agree that I am but this works. You need to be comfortable being alone before you will ever be happy being with someone. I call this cycle of events above "Coping" It works well trust me and Ive done allot of "Coping" in my days. Of course step 1 was never a problem I had. Other rules to follow that help with the coping process. 1. Washing sheets is so you dont have to explain different color hair and perfume smells to the event of the night. 2. Always have Red and White wine as well as some hard booze on hand. 3. Walmart bulk packs of condoms will save you money 4. Strategically place #3 throughout your place so you dont have to stop in the moment and go grab one. (Dont want to give them time to change their mind) 5. Candles. (Vanilla, and Cucumber Mellon works best. ) 6. Always check the couch cusions for earings, belly button rings, etc. (A girl getting poked by one that doesnt belong to her will ruin the moment quick.) 7. Keep your place clean. Helps with #1 and #6 and when a girl walks into a very clean and nicely decorated place, you have much better chances of game on. 8. Strategically placed cameras are always a good idea. In the middle of the events, just reach over and grab and and snap away. - Share pics with buddies at breakfast the next day.
  20. Labs typically are not chewers.
  21. Labs are my favorite. Best dogs ever!
  22. My breaking and entering skills are just like my sexual skills. When Im done doing the deed, Im the only one that knows anything actually happened. Trust me, you wont feel a thing.
  23. Just upset Im not part of the assessment/remediation efforts.
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