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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Dont confuse corporate policy with FAA or TSA requirements. Im sure you understand there is a difference and my guess would be that you are following a corp policy.
  2. Its funny because its true.
  3. Hi-Points - The only Semi Auto pistol you can play Russian Roulette with.
  4. I just bought a Costco membership so I guess I shouldnt come to this???
  5. Horrible face.. At least in that pic.
  6. There have been a few studies showing that these new scanning techniques could actually be harmful to the health of the flight crews and frequent business travelers who have to continually go through them.
  7. My trip today.. CMH->BWI->LGA Lunch meeting at Bobby Vans, then LGA->BWI->CMH And I didnt get picked for the scanners.
  8. My trip today.. CMH->BWI->LGA Lunch meeting at Bobby Vans, then LGA->BWI->CMH And I didnt get picked for the scanners.
  9. Give it a good hard jerk on the bars like a thief would and break the safety lock. You said you don't use it anyway. Just saying its an option.
  10. flounder


    What's a Google. I dunno
  11. Just order the pasties and underwear that block the scanners so all that TSA can see is a piece of text that says "Private" and cant see the goods.
  12. No. They just pull certain people out of the metal detector lines and make them go through the body scanners. the scanners are expensive so many airports only have 1 or 2 of them at most at each terminal vs the 10+ metal detectors at each terminal that allot of airports have.
  13. 2 flights tomorrow so I have a 50/50 chance of getting picked for "The Machine") I always opt out anyway but I havent been selected for the machine since the new pat down procedures have been put in place in the last 2 months. My other idea was I was going to get a huge strapon and let it dangle down my pants and then ask to go through "The Machine" and see what happens.
  14. Im just going to make them give me a woman to do the pat down. They always make the screener the same sex as the traveler so whos to say that im comfortable with that. I will for sure going forward ask for a woman because I am not comfortable with their assumption that I want a man groping me. I figure I will try and turn the tables for the uncomfortableness. If the women arent comfortable screening men while we stand their making sexual noises, why should we stand their and let a guy do the screening since it makes us uncomfortable? Ill let you know tomorrow how it turns out.
  15. So post some prices and bigger pics.
  16. Repost....................................
  17. If you dont read the rules by the people that write them instead of coming on a motorcycle forum for hot air opinions, it doesnt matter what you build as your ass will be dead, fined or in jail the first time you try and fly/land somewhere you shouldnt. If your an actual engineer, then you should understand spec sheets and should sure as hell understand that it doesnt matter what people on here say, its the written and published rules you need to read/learn/memorize/and follow. For some reason you cant seem to get that through your thick head and keep asking what if, what if, what if, Its pretty effing aggravating to be honest and it appears that something bad needs to happen for you to actually understand. Sad but true.
  18. Its a 94 so its not worth much is my guess.
  19. you have no idea what he was doing..
  20. And no one realized it was fake as well.. SAD
  21. Recon said it best in his first sentence. "Nothing as long as you follow the rules" Now with that said go buy a copy of the FAR/AIM and learn it and memorize it and have your answers.
  22. Ah gotcha.. All makes sense now. Its been a hectic day today. I basically walked into a shit storm at work. Sounds like it will be a pretty sweet facility once completed.
  23. I was in LA Monday... Note to self. Dont push the red button that says "Fire" oppsy
  24. Depending on the situation, they will call the local airports and local PD and ask them if they know of anything or anyone with a aircraft. Then after that, if they need to, they will start tracking all aircraft in the area to narrow it down. An FAA investigator may be assigned to go further depending on the report or repeated reports of the same activity. Against the regs and therefore the assumption would be you are performing an activity which has been deemed illegal or unsafe or in an emergency situation. Do what you want. Im just telling you what your risking and how these things work. Im not getting into what if games. If its against the regs, and you still want to try it, you are acting foolishly thinking you wouldnt get caught. No different then breaking any other law.
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