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Everything posted by Zorro

  1. Cleaner...I'm pretty sure I'll be on tomorrow's ride. Can you PM me the route?
  2. damn...a triple in the rear?! I heard the rumors on your receiving skills but a triple...damn impressive
  3. I never got my new wheels/tires friday...so I'm out.
  4. I think I might be game for this...
  5. I'm not sure how it's coming...I guess I should've asked. I ordered via phone from Yamaha of Troy and the lady just said it would probably be here friday.
  6. sorry, i tried. why can't you just make a trip back to the shop?
  7. Yeah, I should know by Friday (unless they arrive saturday). I'll be sure to post.
  8. We might be headed back to Wayne on Sunday (I'm only going if i get my new tires/wheels by then).
  9. Was it Bad Daddy Bikes (or something like that)?
  10. Do the '07's come with an off switch for the high beams?! I f*cking hope so.
  11. no, we just suck at riding dirt. I drove 1hr+ down there to ride 30-40 mins hard...then for the next 30 minutes I putted around the trails trying to find my way back to my truck. At least the weather was nice. :|
  12. If anyone is planning on meeting saturday, we plan on arriving at P3 by 9am. Directions.. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=4863851463895870678,39.470296,-82.313559&saddr=columbus,+ohio&daddr=Red+Rd%2FTownship+Rd+336A+%4039.470296,+-82.313559&mra=pi&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=16&jsv=107&sll=39.472659,-82.31221&sspn=0.009905,0.023518&ie=UTF8&ll=39.477811,-82.286396&spn=0.079235,0.188141&z=13 Make sharp left on Red Rd and go back to Parking lot 3. Hope to see some of you there!
  13. Did you sell them already? I might be interested if the price is a little bit lower...
  14. Looks good flounder. Your RM better be ready...no excuses Picasso!
  15. I got this a few years ago on my bike. I 'rolled' thru the intersection. i got a $100+ fine...but not sure how many points it was. f'ing cops. he said he was trying to protect me...so he pulls me over on a busy street during rush hour. After he gave me the ticket, he reverse back to his hideout. I'm parked on the side of the road (no berm) with cars driving past me. While ticketing me, he gave me some speech about not wanting to pick my flattened dead body off the road some day, he is trying to protect me. I said this ticket wont prevent that. Anyway, after he returned to his hiding spot, I'm still putting on my helmet, putting away my wallet, and putting my gloves on as cars fly by me...I yelled over to him "I thought you wanted to protect me...some cop you are." and then left. He got a chuckle out it.
  16. Borat..."How much?!" I couldnt find a price on that site.
  17. You need to prioritized, my brutha!!! You'll be riding dirt before track...so fix the dirt bike first! duh!
  18. I would like to get a bike as well maybe...but I'm keeping the quad. Putty stated that at times he wishes he had a quad...but I guess the grass is always greener.
  19. 2003 Honda 400ex...with plenty of replacement parts.
  20. Putty did say it might be the 26th...he told me this saturday. Over emails when initially discussing this, we decided it would be the 19th. I got 4 people in for the 19, and that's not counting the people who saw this post. WTF. Looks like we'll have to go both days.
  21. Cool. Where do you park at? We take 33 until it goes to one lane...and then immediately make the first left. We usually park at p3. Flounder informed me that the new Wayne pass cost $35.00. So, I'm not sure what to think now. Doesn't matter...$10 won't keep me away.
  22. I typically disassemble my bike, haul all the pieces down...then I reassemble it when I get there. You can never be too careful in TN/NC when trying to hide your bike from those sneaky KY cops. When I'm lazy and don't want to disassemble, I go thru WVA and VA, to get to TN.
  23. I don't understand...The Dragon is in TN and NC, not KY.
  24. The Poster-Formerly-Known-As-Putty, flounder, myself, and a bunch of other people (most are unknown to me) are going to Wayne Nat'l Forest on Saturday 4/19 to go "ridin' dirty". I believe the plan will be to arrive at Wayne around 9am...and stay until we're too tired to ride. The date/time are pretty much set. Over the last few months, I've saw quite a few posts from members stating they rode dirt so I figured I'd spread the word. PM me if you're interested or have questions...
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