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Status Updates posted by NinjaNick

  1. Noticed yo new status! Congrats buddy. Remember not to delete any of JRMMiii's post or you will hear it. :lol: Have fun.

  2. Hey! I just noticed you're an ADMIN now instead of just a moderator. I always wandered why you weren't before being that your the wife. Congrats on the new status sista! :trophy:

  3. I'm sure my next one will because I noticed when I rep somebody with 4 silver it goes straight to gold and more.

  4. I got crazy this past 24hours, so I gotta wait 24 hours..haha. I'll get you gold bruthaman.:flag:

  5. newenough.com, moto-sport.com, motorcycle-superstore are my favorite sites. Just felt like sharing. :)

  6. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship...:lol:

    In a NON-gay way. Just wanted to clear that up because I know how you Coshoctonites think. :D

  7. :lol: #1 ?? Damn, that's harsh man.
  8. You meeting us at 5:30 at Marathon tonight?

  9. Yep, you got me rolling well my man. :cheers: I know how to do what we did, but it was like I had a mental block. I got so confused! Once you left I finished it up in about 10 minutes. I smoked it. I also tested all of the possible user input and it all works perfect. I should get a perfect score. Last project I got 24/25, hopefully I ace this one.

  10. It is entertaining for sure. Also, I agree with what you said via rep. It's a funny feeling knowing something about someone and they have no idea you know. :lol: I think to myself,"If they knew what I know they'd shit!"

  11. I gotcha the gold man! :trophy: Welcome to the club. :cheers:

  12. Well, where'd all your older comments go? :lol:

  13. FYI, STT-GUY doesn't have sponsor under his name I noticed like Brian does. Just bored and felt like telling you that. :D

  14. Gut, wenn Sie eine vierzehn Postenbilder bitte erhalten.

    Auf Weiderhesen

  15. Guten Tag! Wie gehts?

    Yeah, at the ripe age of 31 I'm pursuing a computer science degree and I'm in my junior year. I have to take sequence of 3 foreign language classes and I chose German. This language is odd, but neat at the same time.

    Did you give up on getting a zx14?

  16. I was in shock! I got a good laugh out of it for sure. Good job Jordan! :lol:

    How'd you get that set up though?

  17. I see you viewing "I think I found my next toy".

    Nice motard huh? :D

  18. He's been playing possum this year. He went out on a ride 1x with me! :nono:

    Nobody has seen him this year for some reason mako. :(

  19. Where did all your comments on here go????

  20. :lol: No, I guess I sent you that after you sent mine. I got you again doh. ;) 3
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