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Status Updates posted by NinjaNick

  1. Happy Birthday Matt! :woo::cheers:

  2. Happy Birthday this year too sir! :cheers:

  3. Why not? They sell them at all Walmarts, Krogers, bookstores. You can do it!

  4. Well hello there Adam Parks from Coschocton Ohio. I saw you in SuperStreetBike. You cannot hide from me! :woo:

  5. Chillin', chillin', you know how I do. Hard to find time to get online much nowadays.

  6. Is he not wanting to ever log on again or something? Will I ever see him again? lol.

    Tell him NinjaNick said, "Wuddup!" and that he hopes to ride with you guys again.

  7. Hi John! :cheers:

    Where's Gregg (WhoDey)? I haven't heard from him in awhile, have you?

  8. Yep that's how we do around here son!:woo:

    Weeknight riding feels so weird for me because I'm use to working nights, but I work from 6-230pm nowadays. I remember now why I like to hang out around fast vehicles because there's always the few that show up in vehicles like a PT Cruiser revving the piss out of it. Gotta love douchebags. :lol:

  9. Happy 27th old man! Nice meeting ya Friday! :cheers:

  10. Happy 50th! It's another big one!

    Reminds me of the signs people put in their yards. "Ain't it nifty? Look who's fifty!!" :D

  11. :lol: Did you wear a backpack or something for that?

    You must've really wanted that Everclear.

  12. Happy 25th Matt! :cheers:

    Been riding much?

  13. Thank you. It's been a good one so far. :)

  14. Thank you. It's been a good one so far. :)

  15. Y are you "mall racer 95" now? :lol:

  16. Ouch. Good luck.

    The points got sent back to me though...haha. The administrator (Casper) takes this rep shit way too seriously for some odd reason. He's strange like that. I guess he thought that I shouldn't have done that and gave me all my points back. :nono: It's an option that I can do, I don't know why the hell it bothers him. It's all fucking stupid since I obviously have to get every step I take approved by him. I think it makes him feel powerful.

    Also, it's kind of like a myspace here. Go to mine or someone elses page when you respond to them man. Enjoy! See ya around! :cheers:

  17. Had to tell someone wuts up. :D

  18. Points got removed by the man. He didn't think I should do that I guess.

    Sorry about your luck though.

  19. I know. I don't know why he even cares. Just let things be. It's an aggravating thread to me...haha. Seriously, he already makes more money than me, now he wants to take my rep away. :(:lol:

  20. Get'cho head out da gutta! Use knowz what I meanz! :nono::p:D

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