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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. I like the way you think Benyen...we posted at the same time.
  2. So I take it the police don't have dash cams since they can't record w/out the others consent? Fucking stupid.
  3. Are you fucking kidding me? That is rediculous! A Good lawyer should get him off from that bullshit.
  4. They're on page 2 here. My pc just started page 3 in this thread.
  5. State Farm just covered my helmet. They told me that's all they cover on gear. Who do you have?
  6. I just want to mention that the head is as gentle as a watermelon. Some say the helmet saved his face some damage...I say no...it saved him from the graveyard. I bet 99% that he would be dead right now.
  7. Glad you're OK B! Godbless gear! My helmet saved my life last year as well. Most important thing of riding is good jacket, gloves, boots, helmet. Heal well buddy. Now....trash that bike and get a NEW ONE!
  8. I like Kay Jewelers. Helzberg, Stafford, Jared...blah, blah...they all have diamonds...just look for what you want.
  9. Holy shit! It would be soooo hard not to kill those bastards after I healed up. I'd have so much hate for them I definitely couldn't be in the same room with them.
  10. Dustin is who mounted and balanced mine a few weeks ago. I support him too. :cheers Why don't you just take the wheels off and take them in the car?
  11. I always have a pair waiting to be put on. You should start doing that Don. Then set a weekday time to get them mounted next time.
  12. I know. I've learned your personality over the years man. I know how to take you. It's all good...it's aaaaaall goooooood.
  13. The original poster never checks back to his threads. How are you going to get riders to join then?
  14. Here's some I found for you: http://www.e-renter.com/ https://rentlaw.mysmartmove.com/Landlords.aspx http://www.tenantverification.com/?gclid=CLm2_8H3iKECFVOY2AodsUpMNg
  15. I hate how if you are caught speeding they act like you're the most hardened criminal there is. If I was a cop I'd treat a high speeder just like any other 15mph over speeder until proven that I have to treat them differently. Sometimes I HATE cops. I've always wanted to be one, but I've always wanted to beat the shit out of many of them.
  16. My bike doesn't get hot to me. I don't feel the bike heat.
  17. I'd be there if I wasn't at Kodak.
  18. When I was a little kid I LOVED the Hurricanes. Please share some pictures of that classic sportbike.
  19. Shoot, most of us will be at work man.
  20. I'm all for mandatory tube cutting if you have 2 kids and can't financially support them. To keep just having more and more is pure stupidity. If I was the leader I'd try to pass that the only thing the gov't will pay for now is the mandatory tube cutting.
  21. :cheers: Here's to meeting you sometime this year.
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