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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. I've never seen nitro circus. I got it from the link somebody posted on here about "whats your motorcycle gang name." Mine came up as NitroNick and I liked it too much.
  2. I don't know why it's all caps. I thought it would be NitroNick. Negative. There'll always be memories.
  3. Maybe, maybe. The stars are aligning and everything is slowly working itself out.
  4. I'm getting tired of it after being known as it since 2003/4 with friends. It's time to get a little more extreme and morph into NITRONICK!
  5. The world as we know it has changed. The gods finally spoke and have chosen me to cometh unto you and bring NITRONICK.
  6. They're ALL over Dayton and surrounding to man. We have tons in this town.
  7. Artmaggedon - So true man. I had no problem getting what I wanted before marriage. It's easy if you know how to communicate 1 on 1 with them with flirting and laughing. Thanks for not getting offended by my post Focus. I was just stating my opinion bro. I figured you'd get aggressive but you didn't and that makes you A-OK in my book man. And we all know that's all that matters. :lol:
  8. Strip clubs = losers. Leave them for the creeps who can't get a woman. I'm 31 and I've only been to 3 in my life. 1 at 18 and 2 at 21. I don't understand why anyone would want to pay to get teased. Fuck that. I was out getting the real thing and playing the females while the loners went to the clubs..lol
  9. I did now. I have white hairs in my goatee now. Beepers were so lame now that it's 2009.
  10. I never made the cut!
  11. Hopefully someday soon. I really like those NKY roads. I was down there 2 weeks ago with Mako, Jon929,Jermattak, Catman. Yeah some Dayton folks went on a ride that day but did it earlier. 3pm is normally when we're almost done with our rides. I didn't ride at all that day though unfortunately, I had prior engagements.
  12. Random. Hmmm, wonder what this is about. (scratches head)
  13. My 1st forum I joined back in 2003 dubguy and I named myself a motorcycle and I realized it was a bad decision after I was on there for awhile and I got it changed to NinjaNick and it stuck with me for 6 years now on ALL forums.
  14. I HATE breaking the streak. And I HATE the feeling of knowing it's about to happen. It's like torture waiting for it. You lunge over the toilet and you know it's coming. Saliva starts pouring out of your mouth for some odd reason and you can't stop it. Once the saliva starts you know anytime now your ribs are going to try to bust out your chest. Then it happens and it's so violent that it makes your eyes water. Then it's over and you feel sooo much better. That is until the next wave comes.
  15. I was too old for that stuff posted. I'd be better if it said growing up in the 80's. In 1990 I was 13. I didn't play with toys at 13, I upgraded to video games and girls.
  16. I had Voltron too and LOVED IT! I was the same. Now that I'm older...I hate it.
  17. There's a gas station/little grocery store you guys will be seeing on your left when you head into Cedarville on 72 coming from I-70. It's right across from the college. Then us southerners will be coming off of 42 since it starts here down south in Xenia for us and we will take a left on 72 for about a mile and meet you guys. Then we will have one hell of a show stopping group congesting little 'ol Cedarville and we will all roll out onto 42 north and the dyno place is right off of 42 in Cbus, the road just changes it's name when it hits city limits. There are TONS of long empty stretches along the way too if anyone wants to let their bike breathe. This route is really deserted in spots and is nice. Fusion and I did it last year.
  18. It's on the opposite side of 35. Here's a map. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=600+S+Orchard+Ln+Beavercreek+OH&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=49.57764,78.75&ie=UTF8&z=16 It's close to the beginning of great twisties heading south too that we meet up to do a lot.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlUcUfHkdYk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qz4L1O84_I&feature=related
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