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Posts posted by gsxr750girl

  1. Really she has student loans? ha thats a good one she did that on her own to go into debt to go to school! This guy didn't kill himself! He died on the way to work and left a family with a lot to deal with! You make me sick! I don't drink $5 coffee either but I was just using that as an example! I was there that night along with Ace and Mr Bret and we all heard the same thing as Bunny did! There are a lot of charity rides throughout the year. Some people can give more then others and those who can will! Yet, it hits close to home when its for a cop or a firefighter.........with my job I work close to police officers. Like I said before you don't have to like cops I rag on my cousin & uncle everytime I see them in uniform! Yet, they do their best to keep the city safe along with handing out a fair share of tickets! lol!

  2. I agree bunny! This man was on his way to work( and we may not like what he does for a living) but the fact is his job is to protect our city! Not just to write out speeding tickets to us! This man leaves a family behind a young wife and kids! Yes, Bunny some people don't have a heart and feel people will do anything to get money! To those people stay at home and don't come! Those who do come will be fellow officers, I know a couple firefighters who will be there, and a lot of riders who are willing to give up a few dollars to help this family out! Shitty your right people only have so much to give! I agree with that but to all those who can't give up eating out to lunch one day that week, a starbucks coffee, or whatever you spend a couple bucks on! I'll see those who come out this weekend!

  3. We can see if Mandie can win "Simon Says" this time... lol, that was funny. I wonder how well your arse came out in that photo..... :dunno:

    How does 7:00'ish at QS&L sound to all that will be there?

    ha ha :D I had no clue someone was taking a pic! I'll try and win this week!

  4. I really hope we can have a great turn out for this ride! I know must of us don't like cops, but this situation is so messed up! If you guys don't have anything to do Nov 4 please come out! If you bike is not in condition for the ride example track bike, put away for the winter! Please come out and donate what you can to this family! They need it! Holidays are coming up and I'm sure money is really tight for this family right now! I hope to see a lot of ohioriders out this day!

  5. Where was everybody? Oh, was it too cold for you pussies?!

    No really, the ride there was a little chilly and the ride home was moreso, but it really wasn't that bad.

    A few of us went straight to the Lube. Yes, it was the night for dressing up and we had fun. We didn't realize it was until we got there tho. We did get acknowledged for being brave and riding that night! And gsxr750girl at least got that free beer! They had games and a costume contest and gave away a trip to Vegas, there was a DJ and stuff in the bar area so we had a good time.

    Sorry you missed out on all the fun. Maybe next week...

    Now that I think about it that free beer wasn't really worth all I had to do! ok the only part that sucked was having to spin around in a circle for 5 mins! lol thanks for who came out it really was a great time! Maybe more will show up next week!

  6. Okay, let's clear a few things up:

    3) Example: Fire departments around Columbus have Columbus State teach classes specifically for their departments. We have Fire 1, Fire 2, EMT-B, and EMT-P, all of which are State of Ohio courses. Columbus State will teach these classes on site for these Fire departments. The Board of Regents is trying to push this to be a state wide program. This would mean those firefighters and EMTs who took this training would be able to transfer it to OSU to take, say, Nuclear Disaster training. Then maybe on to Ohio University to take Emergency Communications. These one or two week cram courses would add up to a degree with the other needed core classes (math, English, etc).

    This would be great! I would love if my training transfered to OSU or to another University. I could get the degree I'm looking at a lot easier, and I'm not trying to get out of hard work! Like Flounder and Shitty said. Some people look down upon those who don't have a degree. I honestly want a degree! I hate the fact I only have national and state cards to show for all my hard work! I'm not in the least way unhappy or not proud of what I do for a living. All I'm saying is to have some help with a degree would be nice!

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