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Posts posted by gsxr750girl

  1. let me talk to a few people and see what I can do for ya! If you know anything about cars I can probably get you a job at a certain delarship I have a great contact! also pm me with what your actual skills are and I'll see what I can do!

  2. yes please focus on the ride! I'm so tired of you guys acting like 5yr olds please! we are all here for the same reason to ride! Someone will always have a better bike and the ability to ride faster so grow up! I love my bike! Yet, I know there are a lot of bikes that are better in many ways! I would love to have a dif bike when the time is right but for now me and my new 750 get along just fine!

  3. If him and his friends want to race down there let em! They do it a lot thats how they ride and they are good at it! Ask anyone who has truly rode with them! I'm not going to defend him, but you guys have your own ride planned so have fun! The people going on his will too, and those who wanna race and put a knee down will! Those who wanna ride and enjoy whats going on around them will!

  4. why did this argument even start honestly?!...when i first saw this thread i was stoked to get to ride and meet a new group of riders, but now its disgusting.please get this thread back on track so the people that actually care can have fun.


    :) yes can we please focus on the actual post a ride! I was excited about getting to meet some new people, and have a good ride that day!

  5. I think it is funny that you kids keep going back and forth! those who want to go to the ride go, those who don't stop fighting back and forth on this post! This could be a fun ride and a chance to meet some new riders in and from around cols!

    do i get a good laugh watching you go back and forth yes! :bitchfight: but come on we all bought our bikes for our own reason! ( WE LIKE THEM)

    My best friend gives me shit because I ride a suzuki and she rides a Honda!

    lets get back to the topic at hand a ride on 9/2! Or did we forget about that?

  6. he clearly states that it was going to be him and his friends! you guys have no clue of these peoples riding ability....he called out a few select people who went and got liter bikes for their first bike! thats all!

  7. There will be a couple fast guys and a few slow(er) guys/gals. Everyone will be out there having fun.


    I think its funny that you said couple fast guys and few slow(er) guys/gals! how is it that the girls are put in the slow(er) group? not all girls who go and buy a bike are slow! that remark pissed me off!

  8. This is not the ride to impress people on. This will not turn into a race. Nobody will be goaded into doing anything they are not comfortable with...


    No one said the first ride was going to turn into a race! and if your "goaded" into dong anything you are not comfortable with then there is no one to blame but yourself! I have rode with these guys more then a few times! These are outstanding riders and none of them would make someone ride above their limits! I always ride at my own pace and have never been in danger with them!

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