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Posts posted by gsxr750girl

  1. -3 in the rear, +3 in the front = 375kph = 233mph

    Just doing -3 in the rear = 319kph = 198mph

    Hell, Busas supposedly do it stock.

    i only stated the 236mph because its the record, and you put this info up stating with these changes your bike would be at 233mph!

  2. Talk to Attack Painter or Patcbr600 both of them said no way with a gear change will you be able to go 200mph! They both have zx10's with more then gear changes and their bikes don't do 200mph! You have forgot to add in aero dynamics, and record with streamlining and turbo is 236! Remember there is a error in your speedo once you hit high enough speeds! Patcbr600's friend holds the record for zx 10's with more then gear change. I told him to post what that guy has done to his so you can see what actually needs to be done on top of gearing.

  3. Seriously who the hell cares..

    ultimately alot will depend on who the cop and judge are and what kind of mood they are in.. These types of hypothetical questions are horse shit..

    The correct answer is. "THERE IS NO SINGLE RIGHT ANSWER"

    I'll agree flounder! Not to mention what I posted earlier in this was someones actual sentence/fines. This person in my family is the one who pulled the guy over going over 150, and that is what this kid faced.

  4. Yet, I did ask a family memeber who is Sgt.for the OSHP and this is what he said.....that person would go to jail, lose his/her license for a year minimum, charged with reckless ops, lose the bike, and the fine would be a minimum of 2000.00 just wanted to give you some info from someone on the other side...instead of everyone throwing stuff out! Yet what I did read most of you guys were right on top of the law! Not that my gixxer can go that fast but for the few that have cars/bikes that can sounds like a lot of shit to get into for one quick fix!

  5. We should have a campout soon.

    name the place and I'll be there! if your being serious and just for you satan I'll leave my camera out of arms reach! Just incase Jim, Jack or whoever you were good friends with the other night decides to shows up again! :p

  6. I can't believe how many pictures there are. I was looking at my digital camera the other day. There are four pictures and two videos. I heard you were all taking pictures. Assholes. Haha! I'll get you all back.

    I'm sure you will get me back! With Halloween coming up and my birthday not that far away I'm sure I'll get my turn! :D:p:)

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