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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. I agree. I'm seeing moss in places that it shouldn't be and there wasn't leaves on the ground. I'm also seeing parts of the yard grow grass that was covered by mulch. I'm not putting up the trampoline until mid summer because it literally fucked our back yard every spot it sat over.


    Grass grew better where out trampoline was lol. But I did move it a touch every other cutting

  2. Not a big Kiss fan but I told her I'd like to say I've seen them.

    She got suite tickets from her company and we went.

    It was a great concert except for the lead encore songs..but the show itself was fantastic.


    Anyone else from CR there last night?


    Everyone up here said it was a great show.

  3. From all I've read it doesn't sound like an expensive car should be a priority.


    Im with this guy


    jp buys rx-8, does turbo 6.0, runs single digit in the quarters, and gets more internet fame.


    Its possible. :)


    Docs car is a steal at that price...have to say, while it's all emotional opinion, the FR-S/BRZ looks much better than an RX-8. You will hate life if you buy a sedan. Buy a 3 season fun car, and $2000 corolla or honda with a timing chain engine for winter.


    Many have recommended- he already said he cant park 2 cars.


    -9 pages

    -CR delivers multiple suggestions based on your feedback and your budget

    -CRs most respected member offers one of the best available examples of a top suggestion

    -You have somehow gotten nearly everyone to agree with Kerry

    -Your reasoning for not liking any of the suggestions is now “emotional”

    -You mentioned being 28 and acted like a C5 would be an accomplishment at your age


    I’m going to guess that your budget is actually half of what you state, and/or you are a female. Enjoy your Lincoln MKZ.


    And this guy.








    My official and final take-I'm not here to judge. However, if you were my kid and in your current position, I would tell you you need a MAJOR priority shift and maybe this is a wake up call? 30yrs old seems to be a pivot point in most peoples lives. At 30yr are either well on the path to success and pressing the throttle down, your are at a cross roads where it could go either way, or you are on the path of forever hovering above the poverty line. It seems you are directly in that crossroads sir. This is coming from somebody that was born into deep poverty and saw many go down both roads.


    So, My advice is NOT to worry about a car that can be fun. Worry about a mode of transportation only, an A to B that will maximize your dollar (IE- civic) and focus on bigger priorities. Better income, a home so you can own more than one car? THEN- buy the toy. And by that time, you will likely be in a position to acquire much more.


    If a car is your only owned asset (assuming its even owned) you need to rethink your strategy.

  4. Don't forget about the taxes that will need to be paid on that income first. Unless it was either handed to you in cash, you found it on the street, or robbed a bank. If it is taxable, depending on how it was received, you will need to determine how much to hold back for taxes.


    Another WIN for investment properties here.


    Everything, and I mean everything, turns into a write off.

  5. So I'm curious: How stressful is it to deal with renters / morons / people breaking shit, etc.? My father did that when he was my age / younger and he always had a hell of time with it. He advised me never to do it. I personally enjoy the stress free life of just sitting on my money in the aggressive funds I manage while making an average of 13+%, compare to say 20% and dealing with renters... :confused:


    20% is the LOW end. Also consider I can take a loan out on any of them at 4.75% today and in theory invest it like you and get 13%. ;)


    For example I am about to move on a double- 48k. Rented at $1300/mo. Both renters have been there 5+ years and a new 2 year lease is part of my purchase agreement terms. That's going to guarantee me 30% over the next 2 years.



    I personally have never had an issue. I don't do section 8. All of my renters have come though word of mouth which I think helps. I also don't have a huge portfolio. Once you get to 10+ units its almost impossible to have your sphere of influence bring in your renters.


    Its all risk reward. If you don't want to deal with it is not for you. I agree dealing with people can sometimes be a pain, but you fix that buy finding the RIGHT renters. I'd wait an extra month to find the renter I want vs. taking the first call I get from bubba and his GF and their 4 kids and 3 dogs..... I suppose that's like picking the right mutual funds to invest in. :)

  6. Depends on your debt. If you have higher interest short term debt- pay that first.


    After that, there is NO, and I mean NO investment that has the return of rental properties right now (besied flips, but that is very much case by case and profits are labor cost/personal skills based).


    Buy at 40-50k


    Rent $8-900. 1200-1400 if you find a good double.


    Typically 20% rate of return on the low end YEAR ONE and in my opinion, safer than the stock market in terms of depreciation. This also does not take into effect market appreciation, this is just profit. Also much easier to shelter profits with write offs. ALSO able to leverage to attain MORE investments.........the list goes on there.

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