Good work.
Im just under 5'9 barefoot, and was hovering at mid 160's @6-7% BF for a minute, but I wanted to push myself over winter. Im not power-lifter, nor would I want to be. With my long reach I'm not built for it any ways. I still play open league Basketball and fast pitch, and try to do an Ironman a year, so I have to stay fit.
Up'd my calories to 4000+ a day- went to 182 @ 11% BF . Numbers old vs. new (8 month period) Bench 305-345, Squat 355-405 Dead 425-495. These are all Raw, no suits, no BS. Only supplement I used was old school Creatine Monohydrate. All this, and I am still as agile as I was before (my cardio is down though) and I actually INCREASED my vertical an inch, I can get rim instead of just slap the box.
I have pulled back the diet- and will probably settle around 170 @ 6%bf and have the 20 pack back in full effect for my first summer Vegas run this year. I expect to loose some strength, but its all gravy.
Its a fun hobby, especially when you can stay injury free.