My take-from a car owner that was in the same boat-
Roll racing is fine and dandy, but there are a few things you need to realize.
1) The unofficial national staring roll speed is 40mph. Anything else, and you will have to compromise
2) The unofficial MPH span of a roll race should be at least 100mph.
If you asking for an 80 roll, you should be going to 180. If you car can even do 180 without the tow assistance of Sam’s Z06 (which I doubt) and the bike you are asking to race may not even make it to 150mph, so the race you are asking for is in fact retarded.
IF you want to go from 80, expect to compromise from a slower speed as well.
I don’t know how much power you actually make, but I would be willing to bet you are quite far off my ex’s power to weight ratio. I would also suspect you are on a regular ass street tire. Get some BFG’s, or build a more capable car.