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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. Yes, I know the owner well. He has been very busy with the shop, but he has a street car int he works. He just tunned a 900+whp LS1 last night. If anything goes on the 29th, I will get him to come out. Boost-n-juice, You cant judge a City by its ghetto. The east side brings Cleveland down.-The poverty level is only 6.9% on the west side, while over 50% on the east side! This brings the total to 31% for the city of Cleveland, and again, this does not include the 2 million people that live in adjoined suburbs of the City. Eliminate the near east side, and there is no problem.
  2. No. If it goes 139 on boost and still at full weight, I will say that is very impressive. But, Tilley will simply loose the bet and have to pay up (whichever bet he agrees to). I guess we wont be hearing from you then.
  3. Maybe you missed this. Further more, boy wonder banned all of the NE Ohio people off this board-so you are only addressing I, who’s next project is not yet running.
  4. Hell, if it is full weight (As claimed by IPS) and non NO2 assisted, I will bump up the bet to $100 plus the loser buys Dinner.
  5. Agreed, and I will be up for the 100$. IF--> The car is said to be full weight- If he goes 140mph, that is impressive. If he is spraying, its, well unimpressive. I can spray a stock turbo car to 140mph. Bottles are for baby. If the need the bottle, or to lighten the car, or need a celebrity driven, than sign me up for the Gearhead special $20 wager.
  6. Satan, you dont own anything fast enough for me to 1)care what you say 2)waste any more of my time replying to you. for clarification, I swing off no nuts-the old heap went 10's@ 48mph turned down,and the new one will do the same or better on street tires. Again this started as a Coltboostin vs. Dr Z06 ting, and has morphed into something else. I wont argue about who's scene is bigger or better anymore. your right that street racing is a put up or shut up kind of thing-so I will shut up. I am hoping some C-bus guys make it up for the 29th,and we can arrange something thereafter.
  7. At its claimed full weight, with no NO2, and no celebrity drivers (AKA, the owner diving this 140mph pass) and no other shenanigans-you on for the 29th.
  8. Just like your claim of the IPS EVO trapping 140mph eh? Yup. We will see what you got on the 29th if you feel chipper.
  9. Yup. 50 cars per spot-5 or 6 spots depending on the day. Also, these are 50 cars in which I can confidently say would mop what I saw down there, from a dig or a roll And you can pick the spot.
  10. ZX-10, Zx-11-either way it was the winner! But thanks for the clarification. As for the car-when it first was hurt is not the point-the way it failed this time as with the times before was no fault of the owners, and it simply should not have failed under the circumstances. He should have been able to drive that thing around the world with no issues the way the car is set up.
  11. Dark parking lot? WTF are you talking about? Do you even know? I have talked at length, several times to John about this. I have had several extended conversations with Mike about this. And Ange Sr. has asked me for advice every step of the way. Please-stop while your ahead. It is quite stupid of you to say “we don’t have any logs” as a statement of fact when you have no clue if we do or not. Yes, Angelo does not know how to use the software-but Matt who was pulling the logs does. Im sure you knew that. Again, we would be happy to show you the logs. I am sorry you volunteered to fix the car after it popped so soon on pump gas and low boost the first time, and I am sorry it fail so soon after your work was complete. Again, I have not met you, and do not dislike you personally because of that fact-but all I have to work with are the facts of this matter. He purchased a car for a ton of $ that should not have broken under the conditions he was diving it. It did. You kindly volunteered to fix it, and it quickly broke again. And after the 3rd time, it has now shit a bearing-still with no boost and a safe tune. What can I say about that? The car ran well for a time when you had it. How reliable it was-I cant say. But as of now, the car is just a headache for both of them. And as far as helping them out, I have done what I can. I told them to take it to the only shop that I have heard ZERO real well founded complaints about since I was in this scene0the same place I told them to take it to after grenaded motor # 1 and 2. Buschur Racing.
  12. Powers, you can read this too You can look at the logs. We have given nothing but the facts. Yes-I indeed don’t know another 67xwhp Sti, for the simple fact that it seems to take a modern miracle to make that kind of power with one and it has proven to be now a terrible great choice for a straight line racer. The can has never, not once been turned up since the new owner has had it in his possession. Logs were taken before we left just to make sure everything was sound with the map John sent. Every thing was gravy-11.0-11.5 AFR’s across the board-15-16psi of boost. Yet, still the thing shits a bearing. This is the 3rd time now since he has own the car that a motor failure has occurred, the first time being when your rebuild fail-or have you so soon forgotten? And lets say hypothetically we did turn the boost up-lets say we were shooting for 40psi on c16. That’s not going to cause a bearing failure either. I have been more involved in this since day on either YOU or POWERS, yet as per the usual powers spouts off like he knows exactly what the fuck is going on, and everyone else is in the dark. Since the first failure, Ange Sr. and Angelo have spoken with me at length about “what to do next”… Step one should have been to not purchase this basket case.
  13. Nope. He was too busy running his mouth. To everyone
  14. The call was made as an inquiry, yes. But, the boost never left the 15psi mark. As for Shrek-or whoever assembled the motor, I don’t know if this car is cursed or what. John is a good guy, I have spoken and raced against him on many occasions. His car and others he has built have ran well. Matter of fact, HIS map is the only one the car ran OK with. But for whatever reason, this car has been sitting motors from the day it was sold to its not owner, at no fault of the new owner every single time. I would be livid if this was happening to me. Something is amiss here. I am pointing no fingers, because I don’t know enough factual information about the situation. I say but a junkyard 4G63 in it.
  15. First of, my apologies to the extremely low amount of cars that came down with us. We had 30 more cars ready to roll last week, but weather shenanigans prevented that from happening. Broken parts, jobs, other plans, and a bunch of lame excuses fucked it up for this week, but I did show up as promised. I would have came solo if need be. Keep in mind this is the 2nd time NE Ohio cars have traveled down there, so it might be time for a roll reversal. I was impressed with the number of cars that came out. Maybe 150-200 cars and 50 or so bikes. I will say it is more than the average night up here, but one of the faults of the local community is that we are so spread out. There are 5 nightly spots that bring 50 or more cars not including the bike guys-and rarely if even do even 2 of the groups get together unless there is some score to settle. +1 for Columbus. The Bike shenanigans were interesting. Sonny as usual is quite the character. Pilling stretched Busas off trailers to run for $1000 is hot any day of the week. The bike that won was a ZX-11 correct? Wanna flip for fiddy? I did not see one car in the lot that is a 140mph or better car. “maybe” one or two high 130’s cars, but if some of the Akron boys would have made it out, it would have been a good night for us. Oh well. As for the dig cars, I am sure a few phone calls would have been made if we brought the hard core diggers, because there was nothing better than a 10.50’s (maybe) car in that lot that I saw. I am disappointed that, Mike, “the Yetzzzger”, Kenny, and the others that were SO anxious to say hi and tell me how much I suck to my face did not introduce themselves. I can see by some posts that at least Kenny was present. Nice to see your true self show. If the others were there, and did not introduce themselves, then that is sad as well. Our discussion about the shop 240 would have made great film. Tilley still owes me a footrace as well, but he has personal issues to attend to, so we can do it another time. Nice to meet Tinman, Tilley, and a few others in person as well. Sam and Linn have met me previous. Linn-you’re the man by the way. All in all, your scene was impressive and more than I expected. I am glad at least a few of us made it down and race a few people. Hopefully we can work out a middle ground on getting some of our area best roll and dig cars to meet before the season is out. Cliffs- -sorry for the weak showing from NE Ohio -impressed with the scene -Kenny wears a skirt -From what I saw-If we took the top 20% of NE Ohio roll cars vs. C-bus roll cars- NEO>CBUS. Dig cars also, but we would need to see what comes out of Columbus’s wood work.
  16. You asked us for directions when you were leaving. That car is hot. 16v?
  17. Well, I am upset. The #1 roll car AND the #1 dig car will not be present-i will explain why at the meet. Hell the 2-10ish dig cars wont be coming. A lot have people have backed out, with weak excuses varying from I have no money fro gas to attend a pee-wee football game?! WTF is wrong with people these days? Whatever. I will be there is a few with some car to have some fun. I will be bring maybe 15% of the cars I originally wanted to. Fucking great. Tilley, you getter bring your Nikes. The DrZ06 vs. Coltboostin improve race is on!
  18. Nope-they dont run at the track for shit. That being said-want to dig race on RT. 10 (30 sec from Norwalk) for $? I have a few things up my sleeve, none of which will be done enough to show off by then.
  19. Great night of racing up here as well. An obscene amount of highway block off dig action took place, and quite funny shenanigans with the Supra. News at 10...
  20. The decision was made after discussing it with several of the higher ups. Also, Trent Chris Team AMC The Akron Horsepower crew Baulked because of the weather. Jamie, as well as everyone else was weary. Its a long drive to watch it rain. If it does not happen next week them we are really up a creek.
  21. Due to tropical depression Eresto’s antics, the organizers have decided to move D-=day back one full week.. This will also give us more time to better organize the event, and get a few more cars in our armada that flaked out for this run. Tilley will do the same on the C-bus end. Again, no action tonight, even if it stays dry. We will try the Same meet, same time, same itinerary, on September 8th. Call off work, find a baby sitter, do what you have to do. Be there or be a fag, and I don’t want to here ANY excuses this time around.
  22. This is my personal friend’s car, and the remarks were completely sarcastic. I though people would jump on the false bandwagon, but it did not materialize. I will be coming with him September 1st, that was ½ the point. Oh well. I am driving one of a small fleet of daily drivers I have accumulated.
  23. I already garunteed you a race. All you have to do is show up. A few dig cars will be with us, so you will have your race.
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